Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Why Most of Your Professors are Idiots

"The final price genuinely intelligent people will pay in college is dealing with those who aren’t.  Specifically, “faux-intellectuals.”  These are the idiots who aren’t intelligent, but since they’re on a college campus they desperately try to fake it.  They fall into two general camps.

Your professors


college graduates.

Like K-12 teachers, most professors are worthless, talentless hacks who couldn’t find jobs in the real world.  They typically hail from enough parental money (or student debt) that they managed to get a doctorate or masters in their field.  Unfortunately, most of the “faux-intelligent” professors majored in worthless subjects that required no intellectual rigor (the humanities, the liberal arts, etc.) so the only real place that will hire them is academia…to simply reteach what they learned 2-4 short years ago.  This means you are guaranteed to run into them as you’re forced to take their meaningless and pointless classes in “14th Century Lesbian Pygmy Sculpture” or “Diversity and Ethno-Centrism Privileged Studies.”

The problem is, very much like your teachers being the “adult,” you will assume your professors are smarter than you because…well…they’re “professors.”


This is an excerpt from my upcoming book/essay "The Curse of the High IQ"

And yes, it is coming out that good.


  1. sth_txs4:59 PM

    Plenty of STEM professors just as stupid and worthless as their libtard counterparts. They end up in administration causing problems because they can't teach or come up with any original worthwhile research.

    Some even vote for the dope smoking bathhouse boy who is as talentless as they are.

  2. beta_plus6:24 PM

    DON'T FORGET THE STEM PROFESSORS! They are not much better. Besides demanding out dated pre reqs because they don't want to design new course for which they are paid, they are astoundingly perverse and corrupt. Google "Lasaga Penn State".

  3. went to a high school with some excellent teachers and a few called 'coach'.
    our world history teacher told us that some of the worst teachers the ones we'd get in college.
    boy, was he right!
    terrible quality.
    tuition money wasted.
    thought i'd learn something there but it was not to be.
    go to 'coursera' and 'khan academy' on the internet to find some excellent teachers and get a taste of what it is like before you waste you cash at college.
    then you can make informed decisions.

  4. I hope you have a section labelled -- "Exceptions and How to Find Them"

    Yes I am a professor and yes I teach. But I don't teach 'Advanced Basket Weaving 402', I teach IT. I had worked in IT for 35 years. My career reads like the industry --

    Infotron Systems
    and a whole series of side gigs along the way.

    Have BSCS (back when diff II calc was a required course) and MBA.

    I got bored with retirement and decided to pass on my skills. My students call me Iron Ass for a reason.

    So consider the suggestion. Not all of us podium jockeys are idiots.

  5. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I've personally observed how most university departments and administrations are a nest of man hating feminists who also spend a good deal of energy backstabbing their fellow feminists. It's like a shark feeding frenzy... when the men are gone they start in on each other.

    Recommend math, science, or engineering. There are far fewer crazy women, but you'll still have a bunch of eunuchs and wispy males at the top. Hold your nose and cover your balls and keep your ass to the wall for 4 long years. If you're very lucky you'll befriend a Hemingway type old duffer professor who's simply holding on until retirement.

  6. I have an uncle who was a professor. He was head of R and D for a very large company before going into academia. While an academic he made tons of money on the side as a consultant since he was one of the leading experts in the world in his field. All professors should be like that, although in my academic career I never met one.

  7. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Captain, that is why I dropped out of university two times. It wont happen the third time. Keep it secret please!

  8. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Yeah, I teach.
    Undergraduate and Postgraduate, in my medical specialty.

    I made my sons read worthless.

    I have only one standard: if you are not acceptable you fail. Like Tucanae, I'm a hardass.

    HR dweebs said they would not hire me... after I got the job. At my level they sort out benefits and little else.

    The joy of getting older is that you care about training the people, not the morons in the hyphen studies.

  9. Bird of Paradise12:39 PM

    A bunch to total intellectual morons a chickens more intellegent then any of these idiots ever will be too darn stupid to tell how stupid they are

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  11. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I'm a business owner. One of my best employees was a 19 year old secretary with zero college who was recommended by an associates office in Wyoming. They said don't let her appearance or age fool you. She is very smart organized and efficient for her age. She worked here for 1 year if she hadn't moved to Los Angeles she would still be here. We'd love to have her back. Indeed she did a fantastic job. I gave her several raises and perks because I didn't want to lose her but eventually she moved back.

    Another girl I hired had a Masters Degree in accounting with an honors GPA (4.0) straight A's through college with 3 professors recommendations. She expected 100k per year for her first job out of college and was angry she only got 50k. She could not even do the most SIMPLE THINGS. I had her cover for the 19 year old I'd hired until we could find someone to replace her. She remarked she didn't get a Masters to be a secretary. Again her first job in the real world out of college. I thought it would be good to ease her into answering phones, setting appointments, organizing accounting files, and updating excel.

    She could only do 15% of the 19 year olds workload. She was completely befuddled by the easiest, common and routine hands on tasks. She blamed me for the job not matching anything she trained for in college (trained for in college what a joke). She would stare and "study" files for long periods of time when she's supposed to be organizing, scanning it the server, and updating the database manually before closing the file.

    Not only was this college masters honor grad completely incompetent but she was rude to the clients and high handed with other employees. No people skills whatsoever. All the while she was upset overhead complaining to her friend "This accounting is not even real accounting". She was expecting complicated Quan Quad formulas for simple invoices.

    She argued with us about our taxes on depreciation write offs. Her smarts were used to convince us we needed to pay MORE in taxes. 3 KPMG tax experts disagreed.

    Everything she did was worthless. She was not able to translate anything she learned in university to the real world. I gave her 3 months because it was her first real job and she had seller grades with professors reccomendations. My mistake. She should have been fired after her 3 week probation.

    The worst employees we have care coming out of these universities. These professors are worthless idiots who teach in a bubble and are never confronted by real men in the real world. They develop a superiority complex from years of students kissing up for grades.

    Most of the business students they produce require complete retraining. For young people looking for jobs I would recommend getting experience over a college degree - even if you have to work for free to get it. You need something on your resume showing experience.
