Wednesday, January 04, 2017

FIFO Feminism

From my latest ROK piece:
"FIFO assumes the first gallon of gas you bought is the first gallon of gas you sell.  Therefore the “first gallon in” is the “first gallon out” and you record your costs and revenues accordingly.  But the accounting concept of FIFO does not just apply to accounting.  It holds an lesson and some hope for the United States.  For in the world of feminism the United States was certain the first country to experiment with, and fully implement, feminism.  And if this simple accounting rule holds true we’ll be the first to get out and be done with it, perhaps forever."


  1. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Don't quite understand the point your making here. Also I always thought that FIFO stood for fit in or fuck off.

  2. Post Alley Crackpot8:27 AM

    So in essence you've just reimagined Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants doing his "push it over there" thing ...

    That's not going to get rid of the problem at all.

  3. Un Americano6:41 PM

    Government will not willingly give up its choam. It will simply dig in and double down.
