Sunday, November 09, 2008

Where Should I Invest My Money Under Barack

For those of you who were interested, here's my interview on The Marty Andrade Show on election night. It ended up becoming more a discussion on which countries to invest your money in under a Barack administration as it was more or less a foregone conclusion Obama was going to win.


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    No time to listen to the entire thing, so can you enlighten us as to the preferred tax shelter to avoid enabling the forthcoming regime?

  2. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Firearms and ammunition.

    Not only will they become more valuable from relative scarcity, they will likely have important commodity value.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Unfortunately, all too likely to become true. Honeywell still have subsidiaries in the landmine business?? :-)

  4. I wish the transcript was available. I can barely hear the host of the show..

  5. Anonymous11:49 PM


    You're not missing much...

    The Host
