Saturday, September 28, 2013

Reap What You Sow mean you didn't raise a generation capable of producing the economic production necessary to pay for all of your entitlement, socialist 60's hippie shit?

Enjoy the nursing home!


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Upworthy causes cancer, and that is the best thing that it is capable of...

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    so this is what happens when liberals are given a chance to rule, regulate and educate.

    The hook up generation

    screwed, blewed and tattooed

    with worthless diplomas

    next they will demand reparations

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Social justice: does that mean wasting hundreds of thousands of society's tax dollars getting an 'education' that qualifies you for a minimum wage job serving coffee?

    Who pays for the university degrees for next generation of over educated coffee servers?
    Or for the next generation of STEM students when the tax coffers have been emptied by Star Bucks barristas?


  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Social justice: does that mean wasting hundreds of thousands of society's tax dollars getting an 'education' that qualifies you for a minimum wage job serving coffee?

    Who pays for the university degrees for next generation of over educated coffee servers?
    Or for the next generation of STEM students when the tax coffers have been emptied by Star Bucks barristas?


  5. No, I didn't. I failed completely at reproducing by being kind and caring.
