Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Coase Colored Glasse

Ye, another link for thee to digest. But this is no ordinary regular economist link to digest, but an environmental economics link to digest.

Understand I was never a big fan of environmental economics. I always thought trying to value things like "scenery" and "pollution" was similar to trying to program a model that predicts the minds of women; rather impossible. But hey, that's why we economists insist on using all the letters in the Greek alphabet when developing our formulas. They may be worthless, but, hey, they're pretty and sure impress the heck out of actuaries!

So freshen up on the positive and negative externalities of blogging and pay a visit to Coase Colored Glasses.


  1. Well now how can you fault me for that when you guys pick such a wierd name???

  2. I'll bring it up with Ronald Coase's parents. :)

  3. I remember now why I studied economics and not English.
