Thursday, July 07, 2005

Update on Aid Figures to Africa

So Rush Limbaugh quoted a source of over $600 billion in the past 43 years from the US ONLY!

Now, I know putting a number that Rush quotes will not win any faith from the left, but for those of us on the right who know better, that's a fair chunk o' change.


  1. Max Boot is saying that the West gave Africa $76.8 billion last year... I wonder how much the total is if you count private charity. I betcha it's in the trillions.

  2. Ha ha, this Boot piece is great... here's a linky:

    Mercenaries, Not Musicians, for Africa

    "Any real solution to Africa's problems must focus on the root causes of poverty — mainly misgovernment. Instead of pouring billions more down the same old rat holes, maybe the Live 8 crew should promote a more innovative approach: Use the G-8's jillions 2 hire mercenaries 4 the overthrow of the 6 most thuggish regimes in Africa. That would do more to help ordinary Africans than any number of musical extravaganzas."
