Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ode to Cindy Sheehan

I really couldn't care less about Cindy Sheehan and the circus that surrounds her, but she is the perfect example of where a person's ego supercedes the cause.

Regardless of what you think of the war, here you have a mom who has used the death of her son to masturbate her own ego. Forget that her son was totally for the war and made the ultimate sacrifice. Forget about his wishes or even showing respect for her son. Forget that she's destroyed her family and prompted her husband to file divorce while trying to feed the unsatiable beast known as her ego. She gets all the attention in the world, instant celebrityship and notoriety from millions of people throughout the world that have equally pointless and hallow lives and thus need something to give them definition and meaning in their lives. All for the small selling of her soul by using her son's corpse as a pawn.

Lady, you're scum on the lowest order and if my mom ever did this (which she wouldn't because she's loving and caring and doesn't have such an ego, unlike you) I would come back from the dead and beat you freaking senseless.

Thus, aspiring young economists and capitalists, it's time to review, for I'm going to say it again;

Their egos supercede the cause. Learn it, know it. For it is your enemy and it is the enemy within.

Review #1
Review #2


  1. I try not to pay attention to this topic, but what were the political beliefs of her son? Obviously, on some level, he volunteered and continued to serve, but what did he feel about things?

    If he truly was politically opposed to the sentiments of his mother, then it is indeed disgusting of her to use his tragic death in such a way.

    I apologize for asking a question that is easily googled, but I couldn't bear to read the links it would return.

  2. I don't know his political leanings, but by the fact he re-enlisted is what's key to me. I'm pretty sure being in the military and re-enlisting he was for the war, but regardless, the fact he re-enlisted means it was his choice and he knew the risks and at some level must have been for it. Thus his mom is totally disregarding and disrespecting what he stood for and is using his death to feed her ego.

    Agreed though, I view this with the same disdain as the Terry Shiavo case.
