Saturday, October 08, 2005

Big Coin, Not Enough Time

Loyal aspiring economist, I must apologize for my lack of posts, but busy season has started and unlike my previous job, my new job consumes about 40 hours a week.

Thus, between the job, the consulting, the dance classes...battling communism, contributing to GDP, satisfying the ladies and in general being an all around cool guy, I have had little time to give the blog a good contribution.

That being said, I will largely just be posting charts and graphs with little commentary or really short things. When slow season starts again, I will become a bit more verbose.

But, in the meantime, I chart for all my Canadian readers...which seem to make up about 96% of my readership.

1 comment:

  1. CC, it's pretty simple to stop the spam, just turn on the word verification.

    Good chart, I wonder how that would look in 2005?
    Couldn't we technically now call all of the Katrina/Rita refugees "welfare" recipients since they're receiving large government transfers?
