Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Happy Carpenter

If you've ever done carpentry work, it's hard not to be happy.

I mean, there you are, working hard, with your hands, making something for yourself to live in or enhance your current living.

I know when I put together my bar and martini lounge in the basement I kind of sat back with a little bit of pride once it was done.

Anyway, the Happy Carpenter has long had me linked to his site and since I'm caught up with a lot of work I'm linking to all those worth a visit. Has some interesting candid photos of "Looter" the famed celebrity of New Orleans not to mention an eclectic mix of, uhhh....eclectic stuff.

Why I'm in "Tuesday's Whitie Tiddies" I don't know.


  1. Does your basement now smell of leather-bound books and rich mohagany?

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hey Captain, I just ran across this post about ME! I love me, and it's kind of you to post about me. You should do more posts about me.

    I think I was drunk when I came up with the idea of day-of-the-week underwear for links organization. You're on Tuesday's Whitey Tighties for no particular reason. If you have a preference (thong, boxer, whatever) let me know & I'll be happy to oblige.

    The eclectically eclectic Happy Carpenter. Keep up the good charts, and sorry about posting anonymous but damn if I can remember my blogger sign in stuff.

    Pedro, The Happy Carpenter

  3. yeah, where've you been for the past 13 months? We've had you up here for a while.
