Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Interesting Housing Charts

Happened upon these charts whilst looking to buy some property in the Black Hills area. Hard to find Price to Rents data in the more rural parts of South Dakota. Most of them come from Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies "State of Housing" Report. The report itself was superb until about half way through it they totally started taking this typical leftist, academian slant, tailoring the report to show how minorities are lagging behind their white counterparts, and woe is them, and oh if we only gave minorities more of a leg up, blah blah blah.

Regardless the charts are good, my favorite of which is at the bottom;

This one is scary as hell.

This doesn't make things look better.
This tells me that morons live on the coast...but if you looked at voting pattern chart of the US, it would tell you the same.

This just tells me there's a lot more people applying for HEL's and ARM's to finance their trailer home or mobile homes.
This tells me I should move my tiny white ass out of this bitch ass cold state and move to Atlanta and find me a southern belle.


  1. Hey, hey it's all good. I can buy property in South Dakota and NC.

    It's just that I know for a fact the most gorgeous land is out that direction and just waiting for me.

    I, however, have no guarantee there is a gorgeous southern belle in NC just waiting for me.

    Set it up, I've outsourced all courting to third parties.

  2. So the Halo-playing Irish lass thing is out?

  3. No, no, that's the dream! The legendary Halo Playing Irish Lass is forever the goal. Just don't really think the girl exists. And until the time I meet her, I will suffer the slings and arrows of a southern belle.

    Actually, I have a blind date tonight that plays X-Box.

  4. No, no, no! Don't go to Atlanta. You won't find your southern bell there...

    You need to go to central Florida, south Florida, or the panhandle. That's chick central.

  5. Frankly young Lieutenant, I might just follow your lead and join the military on the insistence that I'm sent to Iraq.

    Getting tired and spent. And if I can't find myself a nice future Mrs. Captain Capitalism I will do the next best thing and make sure at least some Iraqi kid might have a shot at a better life than me.
