Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Wulf the Teacher

I was kind of toying with the idea that I might want to teach. Knocked out enough hours in the profit world and thought that if I could instill some basic rules of economics, personal financial management and fiscal austerity in a generation of kids, then I'd have done my part to shore up the future finances of the country.

Then I substitute taught.

Good lord, you want to know where my pure hatred for public schools and teachers comes from, just go and substitute teach for a little bit.

And don't substitute teach because you can't find a job or because you think it's a cake walk. In other words, don't substitute teach for you. No, I want you to go and teach with the idealistic notion that you are to help actually educate the children. That your purpose there is to do your best to make sure they don't miss out on an interesting or important lesson in life.

And then you will see why all public schools must be destroyed.

For while there is a bumper sticker/saying in the Minneapolis public school district;

"Good schools, Great Kids; Minneapolis Public Schools"

You'd find out over the course of subbing that it should really say;

"Crappy, Absentee Parents = Dumbest, Most Retarded Children, + Lazy, Self-Serving Teachers = Biggest Pissing Away of Tax Payer's Money; The Minneapolis Public Schools"

(And I have the proof to prove this!)

Anyway, that's why I have respect for Wulf the Teacher.

Wulf is a science teacher and a conservative one at that. Although I've always noticed teachers of science and mathematics always lean to the right because they deal with reality, not theory. Regardless, how he or anybody else that is sane can tolerate teaching is beyong me. I seriously wanted to beat some of those kids and their parents senseless with multiple baseball bats, and I'm not joking about that either.

Anyway, he also posts at Atlas Blogged, a sharp syndicate of bloggers. Pay young Wulf a visit, he might teach you a thing or two.


  1. Thank you!

    I want more details. What grade were you subbing for? It kills me that our economics teacher is a known communist who mocks the Invisible Hand. But what other economist would choose teaching over economics?

    Compulsory attendance kills the efficiency of the public school classroom. One kid who fights being there, and the whole class is slowed. It is literally a daily fight.

    Again, thanks for the great comments!

  2. I taught all grades, but favored economics, AP courses, and math/calc.

    It should tell you something that the only job that economist could find is teaching public school. Then again, is he even an economist? I've found that most "economics" teachers are just history teachers, given a book who don't know jack.

    Ironic that I couldn't teach economics in the public schools because i don't have a teachers license. Morons.

    Anyway, yeah, I don't baby sit. I refused. I literally told Richfield public schools to ef off when they called me asking if I wanted to substitute teach the next year.

    And I'll say it again, I'd rather make a billionaire another billion than try to teach Bobby, Jose, Jerome or Wang how to sit down and shut the ef up so that maybe I could teach them the costs of having children before they're 16.

    Truthfully, and I will not lie, I am perfectly happy letting stupid students ruin their own lives and have absolutely no desire to try to stop them. I WANT them to have the illegitimate children and do the drugs and ignore their elders so that they may live the crappy life that is guaranteed.

    Like I said, you have more patience that I will ever desire to have.
