Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why Would Business Set Up Shop in France?

Seriously, who the hell is going to hire these people?

If I want something done in Europe I'll go to the former Soviet Bloc where they're not spoiled brat children.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Because many decision makers in business don't understand fundamental economics.

    The French government gives boatloads of incentives to companies to locate offices in France (with plenty of strings attached). I think the current company match for the French social security is 50%! (vs. 7% in the US) But, if you start a new company you don't have to pay that for several years. Also, since they've got their national health care companies don't have to (directly) pay health insurance premiums.

  2. the match in the US is 50%, too. The employee pays 7% or so, and the employer pays 7% or so.

    But France's incentive system is totally wack.

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM


    Decision makers in business. And you're absolutely right, they will be "outcompeted" in the medium/long term, but there always seem to be new takers. Someone is hiring the french.


    No, the company social security match is 7% of my income in the US. In france the company match is 50% of my income. (ie. it's much more expensive to hire french workers).
