Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ahhhh, America

THIS is America.


  1. No, not so fast. That's Texas, a state with an $8 billion budget surplus. Looks nothing like America.

  2. Sorry, I stand corrected.

    I should have said "Ahhhh, America of Yesteryear."

    Fiscal responsibility. Manly men. Sexy dames. Independence. Fast cars. Willing to fight for independence. "Compromise" not part of the vocabulary.

    Yes, YESTERYEAR America.

  3. Hopefully the Australian federal and state govts. are watching this - faster speed = less time on the road = more time to be productive = less boredom = less deaths. We have a 110km/h (68mph) national limit (and 100km/h limit (62mph) on freeways) which sucks, and we have people on this pedestrian council of australia trying to make us slow down even further - eventually they'll have us just walking everywhere.

  4. Hey Frank,

    Do pedestrians have the right away, regardless of how fast traffic is going? Here they can just waltz right out infront of a car going 90 MPH and if they get hurt its the drivers fault.

    I recall a french guy getting arrested for barreling his car into protestors on the street.

  5. and if they get hurt its the drivers fault.

    That's not too far from the truth down here. We have these "wipe of 5" ad campaigns that encourage us to make sure we're not doing 5km/h (3.1mph) over the limit.

    In this ad they have a woman step out on the street in front of a car going 65km/h (40mph), slamming the breaks, and hitting her at 30km/h (18.6mph) and seriously injuring her. "If only he'd stuck to the posted speed limit of 60 (38mph)". They repeat the scene with the guy doing 60 and he only hits her at 5 k's. She walks away with a bruised leg. And yes, of course it's the driver's fault 'cause he wasn't busy staring at his damn speedo to make sure he's not doing 5 k's over the stupid limit.

    Effing ridiculous mentality the Victorian state govt has (labor govt - i.e.: socialist – I mean, they can’t even spell “labour” right :).

    It's ads like these that make everyone more paranoid about getting booked so that we spend more time staring at the speedo. As a result, more people die. I guess this is another case of the left's ego superseding their cause – we’re trying to make sh-t better but we suck at it, and you have to follow our rules anyway.

    Hmmm… now you've fired me up, thanks cap'n :)
