Thursday, June 29, 2006


It just keeps going and going and going.

What I don't get is how people think the economy is bad. Heck, even last night, a friend of mine, getting her degree in business was talking about buying a house and said, "well if the economy wasn't so bad."

WTF PEOPLE!??!!! Where are you getting the impression the economy is "bad?"


  1. All plausible explanations, but I'd still have to go with real wages not increasing. But that's for the average worker. You break it down by quintiles, etc., and it's only the poorest that are seeing stagnant wages. Wouldn't explain why 90% of the people I run into think this economy is horrible.

  2. horrible or not, attitude is far important.

  3. Only in the stock market would I say sentiment has a hold. And even then, it inevitably gets back to fundamental value. If prices (or perceptions) deviate too far from reality, abitragers will come in and take advantage of it.
