Thursday, June 15, 2006

What Percent of Women Are Gold-Diggers?

OK, since charts aren't working, let me pose a question to all the aspiring economists out there.

The Beloved and I were discussing one of her friends and how she was "looking for a man that had money."

And I said something to the extent that, "that's pretty sad for somebody to sacrifice soemthing as important as love for something as not-so-vital like money."

And The Beloved said, "yeah, we'll you'd be surprised how many women out there are looking for a guy with money."

Now, I was always under the impression that sure there were gold-diggers out there, but they amounted to no more than 5% of the female population. That surely, my economic spidey senses would tell me whether a girl had ulterior financial aims in courting me. But then again, there has been the RARE occasion that I have actually been wrong about women.

No! It's true! There have been one or two times that I, Captain Capitalism, economist and all-knowing-babe-magnet-extraordinaire, actually had it wrong when it came to the ladies.


Now, pessimistic and critical as I may be about the local Minnesota contingent of women, I would not have imagined it would be so high. But The Beloved has me here as she is a woman, hangs out with women, and would thusly be more of an authority on the matter than I.

Naturally, I'd be very curious to hear what other people would say the percentage is, particularly women, for there may be a bigger problem on our hands than I previously thought.


  1. I think it's 100%, actually. The ones looking for smaller amounts just slip under the radar.

    1. Are you kidding me? I know hundreds of other women who dont give a shit about money and this is the 21st century. we can easily get it ourselves. My mother is a contractor (and a widow) and my sister is a single veterinarian. I know it would make a mans life much easier if they had to give money instead of love (love always seems tricky for men) but they dont. Get over it not all women cate about money and we dont need men to get it.

    2. Girl stop, most women ARE golddiggers. On top of that most us are sided to "believe" a man is suppose to financially "take care" of us so stop. FYI if it were easier for men to give money than love than men wouldn't complain "so much" about women "mainly" wanting them for their money. So that entire comment was unintelligent, as was the men find it hard to love comment. Here's something that might hurt your do women. So few people know how to love "unconditionally" so stop with your misandrist prattle. Also buddy was wrong about 100 percent of women being golddiggers, but most of us are. Also being a golddiggers has "nothing" to do with the financial leech having a job, a golddigger simple is someone who wants someone who has more money than they do.

  2. My advice to women who are looking to get money: Get a fucking job.

    1. Anonymous2:38 AM

      They are fucking lazy they just want men to do the work

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I hope most women looking for guys with money since I am not that handsome. Let us see from ugly guys point of view. You can not change your look. But you can change your wealth with effort and hard-working.

    Thanks God that hard-working ugly guys like me have a chance!

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Women are very much self interested. This explains MANY behaviors that mystify men. Your Squeeze's estimation should look convservatively low after you consider this self interest.
    Men, on the other hand, are very much willing to compromise/tolerate regarding the women's financial position.
    What men really should find most unsettling is the standard that most women, even those that arent gold diggers, impose on a potential husband's financial ability to provide for a family before committing to marriage. This needs to be proven while the ability to be a decent mother to raise the children, or even a decent wife, need not be proven to the man.
    ....But when you find a good woman, there is nothing better on this earth.

  5. Yes, but now if we could get some WOMEN perhaps to opine about the percentage?

  6. Mrs. Wulf says that the money might not be the top priority for 25%, but it is a consideration at some level for pretty much 100%. Because even if you don't care about the money per se, when a guy is always broke, it's usually indicative or other problems. She says most women would like the guy to provide a future wherein she can decide whether to stay home or have a career. With a really poor guy, she doesn't have that choice.

  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Women should be golddiggers. Those who aren't are dumb. I mean, why the heck should I settle for a broke guy when that same broke guy is so arrogant that he wouldn't look at me twice if I were ugly, even though I'm a nice person? If men wanted to be loved for their inner merits, they'd love women for their inner beauty. But that doesn't happen. So if I'm going to settle for a shallow jerk, he'd better be a loaded shallow jerk with a Jaguar.

  8. what ever happened to dutch treat
    i wont eat your food
    u wont eat mine
    ur special if i pay 4 yr meal
    how do i know if yr special until i get to know u
    whats wrong with being friends
    i do not pay for my friends meals
    dave basta

  9. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Yes. 100%. They are in the deal for something of value besides your time together.
    They want shelter, food, money, kids and support for kids...
    Whether it is money or not, they still want something out of you besides your presence.

    All we want is a best friend to have sex with... they want EVERYTHING.

  10. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I know more than a dozen educated women in their prime earning years who happily quit working after landing guys with bucks. Half have no kids; others have one or two kids in school all day. Ironically, all of these women would consider themselves feminists and demand equal everything. That is all the benefits but only some of the responsibility. Why do women, childfree or not, feel they deserve more options and an easier ride than men? Never underestimate the power of the pussy.

  11. Anonymous10:13 PM

    To mr. zimmerman....

    i doubt women would major in science and engineering if they were all gold diggers. why grab your ankles for those classes when they could major in basketweaving.
    you need to stop dating the mentally challenged. i for one wouln't mind a house-husband, as long as it would make him happy....

    and helen has a pt. for gold diggers, they figure all men are shallow pigs. if all he cares about is outer beauty and not inner beauty....then might as well marry the shallow jerk with the jaguar than shallow jerk without.

    although, i'd rather tell him to "sod off" and buy my own jaguar....

  12. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Personally, i find it offensive to know that a woman would only date me for the size of my wallet and not because of the quality of my character and personality.

    The bitter truth to all of this is:

    "Money makes the world go round"

    And it's true. Gone are the days where 'true love' exists. And the women who see old couples hand in hand loving eachother. Don't blame society, blame yourselves for being such money loving dishonest prostitutes!

    You women complain men never treat you right. But ask yourselves this question: How on earth would could you expect honesty, respect and true affection from a man if you look at him for how money money he has in his bank account?

    I totally agree with feminism and equal rights, but find it very annoying how women think it's ok to have your cake and eat it. Want equality, want money? then go get a f***ing job like the rest of us and earn your own way through life, like a human being...

  13. Anonymous4:22 PM

    That's why you don't buy women anything, pay for anything, and only treat them as good as they treat you. Because in the end you will be the one who is broke when she leaves and cheats on you for someone she thinks is hotter or some dude who has more money for her to take. DONT LIE WOMEN, TIRED OF IT.

  14. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I'd say that 25% is pretty accurate but I liked the one fellows 100% comment because it's really just a matter of scale.

    What women are really attracted to is STATUS so money really isn't required. We have all known the broke dirtbag musician that gets laid like railroad tracks. In fact, a player by virtue of the sheer numbers of women he conquers has the highest statues of all men. Women flock to him.

    However there is a lot of really good scientific research out there that argues women primarily seek out providers and then havenumerous clandestine lovers. Of course every woman you and I know are special snowflakes and exceptions to the rule.

    It works like this in the animal kingdom.

    Animals that pair for life: males have very small penises and ejaculate immediately with no thrusting.

    Animals that have promiscuous females have very large penises, mate with a thrusting action and have delayed ejaculation.

    Humans, by far, have the largest penises of all primates.

    Read Sperm Wars by Robin Baker

  15. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Esther Vilar (a woman) wrote a book entitled 'the manipulated man'. In it she delineates in great detail the scam that all women use in order to extract money and resources from men. It is the perfect insight to the insidious use of 'romance' and sexuality that women use so as to not have to work themselves but effectively procure themselves a slave (husband) and produce a financial hostage (child) so with which to extract money when they have lost the beauty to continue the scam when her beauty has faded. Anyone with doubts I recommend either buying a copy or downloading a copy (eg bittorrent) and reading very carefully. A bible for the modern man.

  16. Anonymous9:26 AM

    "Girls don't like boys girls like cars and money"

  17. When a man meets a woman she will love things about him. in time she will start to hate all the things she used to love about him.Then she will leave him and take as much from him as she can.She will see this as a right as she has given him so much of her time. other women will agree with her but no one will ask who pays him for the time he has spent with her? Its a man's world!! I think not

  18. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Most women will ask me what do I do in less than 5 min. $$$ I think they are thinking, Not exactly what I am looking for, maybe a 6 or 7 but if he is a doctor $$$$ Dentist...ect I will put him on my list. Alot of guys are blind that way, easy target. Example, Tiger Woods, look at all the gold diggers coming out to cash in. I think 50 percent or more are gold diggers.

  19. Anonymous1:23 PM

    "i doubt women would major in science and engineering if they were all gold diggers. "

    IIRC, the average engineering class is about 80-90% male.

  20. Bruce1:28 AM

    The comments by the women here pretty much prove the point. 'Women should be gold diggers'??

  21. At college women date arsewipes because they're insecure and need confidence and kudos.

    Later in life they date DJs and musicians or anyone of notoriety as they still have low self-esteem and need to talk about something their man does, and hang out with the "in-crowd" albeit they are not really part of it, but it gives them a sense of being connected and special.

    At 30-35 they'll realise that money is the only way they'll ever get what they really want in life BUT they've wasted their lives dating losers, clubbing, drinking and shagging arsewipes and pot-heads.

    The cunning female mind quickly realises that the un-cool guys they used to ignore and ridicule are all earning STACKS of money because they got qualified and did something with their lives while they were just spreading their legs and talking shite all the time.

    Cunning useless female latches onto said chump and starts laughing at his jokes and complementing him... *BANG* she's married and living in a nice house in the country with two kids and a range-rover sport.

    Daily routine of meeting similar hooker buddies - go to starbucks to drink cofee, eat muffins and moan and gossip about their lousy husbands they now detest and want to engineer a divorce.

    Sound familiar?

    1. "engineer a divorce" truth, and the one's that divorce for money, always end up in a worse situation, never in a better.

  22. Anonymous2:06 PM

    My mum married my pops and he was DIRT POOR kept switching jobs, LOST jobs but she never left him. she marry him cause the two were attracted to each other. Plain love. mother isn't in for the money. my family been bankrupt at least 3 times. mother never left ever. I learn to be frugal in my family. Not all women are damn gold diggers. And if anyone thinks other wise it's because their not looking hard enough, or are just bitter from previous relationships. Believe me there sure are a lot of women who AREN'T gold diggers. Not all care about status or money. Some Just want kindness and a genuine man. That simple. No games involved, no catch, no complications.

  23. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Ok it is now 2012 and as I read these comments things have only gotten worse. Guys wake up! Women only want you for there own needs:
    Money, kids, material things!
    They want a fucking dog they can lead around by the dam nose not a husband!They want to control the relationship and control the man.
    When this system falls and it will fall! The women are in big trouble!

  24. Anonymous5:45 AM

    It's the economy! We are witnessing one of the most difficult eras in the history of the USA. The paths to financial viability are limited.

    Observe the disparity and correct the system so that capitalism can be viable again.

    I meet many obese older men who are ugly as sin, rude, sloppy, and have a potty mouth and believe that they are Brad Pit, and they have no self recognition of this. They want to be loved for who they are and yet they insist on dating women that are young and gorgeous. They criticize a woman who is a size 8 dress and they themselves are grotesquely overweight and believe they are young and fit as a fiddle when they are approaching the bone yard fast.

    They talk about their colonoscopy, their meds, their dying friends, they have a medicine cabinet full of life support drugs and they want a beautiful woman on their arm and they believe that these women are there because they are so special and loveable

    This is a two way street. Most men my age want a woman at least 15 years younger. If they are my age and fit and easy on the eyes they expect me to support them.

    If a man is old and very fat, bald, poorly dressed then why can't he find a woman who is old and fat!

    Now fat old women with money are doing the same thing! They are buying young handsome men. This is equally ugly. Many women that are fat and old and poorly groomed believe that they are supermodels and that a young man is really attracted to them. It is a really sick state of affairs.

    We are political creatures and this economy is a mess. True love, even if one has to live in a ditch is the best thing of all - but that has all but disappeared in this world. I believe we have forgotten how to give to each other, it is out of style.

  25. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Look, men love the cooch and women love money. Either way you say it, even great women are tricks and men are johns. If he meets criteria, he's paying for everything while women have to be sluts in the bed, because honestly, that's all they have to offer. That and babies!!! If you all won't say it, I will!!! Lol

  26. Anonymous2:39 AM

    This says it all!!

    Am sure you've heard this saying...

    "A dog is a man's best friend"... It's also been said that "A diamond is a girl's best friend"

    Even in sayings over the years, it's been shown that women are after money while men are after a warm friendly companion...

    It's really not that hard to figure out...

  27. 99% would be a better figure to start with. 'Women are gold-diggers' - They are geniticaly programmed to be and this has been confirmed by every scientific study ever conducted on the subject. Hypergamy is a biological fact.

    Hypergamy is why you will never see a 24 year old aspiring model 'falling in love' with a 50 year old janitor but she might 'fall in love' with a 50 year old millionaire. It's also why most divorces are initiated by women when their husbands are experiencing financial problems.

  28. Anonymous3:15 AM

    My parents did not have alot of money, but, they truly loved each other. In my experience as a police officer and in over 30 years, most women are gold diggers and liars, sorry, that is just my experience.

  29. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Sorry, Emmy, that is not my experience. :(

  30. Anonymous1:55 PM

    In my vast field of study. The avg percentage per city capita is 78.9696% Gold diggers. Notice this number does include 69.

  31. Anonymous1:55 PM

    In my vast field of study. The avg percentage per city capita is 78.9696% Gold diggers. Notice this number does include 69.

  32. Anonymous10:27 PM

    ok i am going to but an end to this shit all you little hores listen up your about to get a major education lesson you want to be gold digger then lets go back and treat women like they where treated before fuck treating you as equals if your thinking about having a surgar daddy you dont get a choice you want a loving relation ship then learn how to drive on the way of life being in a relation ship is like being on a team or the army work together play together its a two way street if you cant pull your weight then your the weakest link and your ass is cut

  33. I'm a girl. I don't know about percentage. It depends on country man. I saw some really nasty pranks from USA. I was disappointed. It's disgusting. I can say that Muslim women i know are not hungry for money. To make clear, every woman likes a confident man so he can take care of her and his family. But to want him just because of Ferrari - go away! Ferrari is just a car. I am disappointed in people from the West, how they are slaves of materialism, and also have no morals, they can kiss anyone with a good car. :/ It's a disaster. Really. I am glad i live in Europe.

  34. Your guess is way off. It's a 70% hard minimum of women are parasites. Check out the links on for sources where women admit it.

  35. Anonymous7:55 PM

    So many useless and garbage women everywhere nowadays. What a shame.
