Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Israeli Approach Versus Kofi Approach

So it took the Israeli's 2 weeks of ass kicking and wreaking revenge to get something that Kofi hasn't been able to do in 6 years of pussy-footing-puppy-talk with terrorists;

Get the terrorists to do capitulate

Kind of reminds me of the mother versus father approach.

Mother approach; "Oh please stop beating up your brother. That's not nice. Oh, think of what you're doing. Please be rational. I'll give you a cookie if you stop peeing on the floor. You don't want me to think about letting you know that I might be contemplating maybe asking you to perhaps go to your room, do you?"

Father approach; "WHACK!!!!!" Do that again and I'll beat you effing senseless again!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    A comment I thought appropriate for Mr. Annan, from National Review Online's The Corner, and Mr. John Podhoretz:

    My Analysis Of Kofi Annan's Remarks

    He's a despicable anti-Semite who toadies up to Arab dictators and heads a cesspool of scumbuckets.
