Thursday, September 14, 2006

How Much You Wanna Bet...

That it's only a matter of time before socialist conspiracy idiots (that would be the mainstream democratic party) starts spewing bumpersticker soundbytes that George Bush is behind the dramatic drop in gas prices in a blantant attempt to affect the 2006 election?

I was going to suggest perhaps the slowing of the GDP growth coinciding with the end of the summer travel season, but that's just too damn logical now isn't it?


  1. He made Summer end. He KILLED IT, man!

  2. There's also the switchover to the so-called "winter blends", coinciding with the fact that the much-ballyhooed "total destruction of the Alaskan oil pipeline OHMIGOD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" turned out to not be so bad after all, and that the speculation level pumped up (sorry!) prices a little further than the supply warranted, resulting in a market correction.

    Of course, since Economics is a required part of every high school course of study in the country, these issues are easily explained to the average American voter, allowing them to dismiss wild political accusations out of hand immediately < HEAVY SARCASM >.

  3. Believe it or not, I got a hit on my site the other day from someone who Googled:
    "Bush elections oil companies collusion."
