Sunday, September 03, 2006

Is Comic Book Guy a Terrorist?????

This is another example of what I've been talking about.

His name is Adam Gadahn. This is a before and after picture;

Tell me if I'm wrong, but he looks like one of those fat kids that played too much dungeons and dragons in high school and couldn't land a date if he had a billion dollars (although I think he's finding out terrorists don't have unlimited access to Twinkies in caves). Rather than just become the next Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, he decides to join Al-Qaida so he can feel like he belongs and be an instant hero. If this isn't the perfect example of somebody who is so greedy and evil that he puts his ego ahead of the lives of millions of innocent people, I don't know what is.

The funny thing is, he'll be a virgin not only on this planet, but in the afterlife as well, because methinks he won't be going where there are 72 virgins.


  1. Yeah, he didn't exactly max out on his Charisma, did he? Moreover, something tells me that, when the Fighter/Rangers of the SEAL class find this guy, their rolls to hit will be far superior to his Dexterity rolls to dodge.

    All gamer geek cracks aside, I've seen his type before, if not taken to this extreme (converting to murderous thug); e.g., the RPG player who "Goths out" to fit in to that particular fringe lifestyle, while really he (or she) is just cutting himself off from any sort of meaningful future role in actual society. The minor difference is this moron's cutoff is going to be permanent, once he's found.

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Good Lord, Axis Sally, meet Axis Adam.

  3. Anonymous2:22 PM


  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    heh... who said HE isn't one of the 72 virgins?

    oh wait.. they don't do THAT in Al-Qaida's version of heaven I guess.

  5. Oh, you never know. There was a song very popular among Muslim troops in the British Army that ran, "There is a boy with a bottom like a peach across the river; alas, I cannot swim over."

    I wonder if Al-Adam knows just what he may have let himself in for?
