Thursday, November 23, 2006

Contribute to GDP on Thanksgiving

Hey All!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can see everybody now, fully filled with the best cooking of the year. Fireplace going on the side, all the guys staving off sleep just long enough to watch the next play on the football game, and little Jimmy in the corner playing with the mutt. Oh, little Jimmy.

But you know what would make this Thanksgiving Day even better? Super extra special?

Spend a little time with the Captain as you tune into...(drum roll)


Yes, I'll be subbing for Dave Thompson tonight. They gave me the option to broadcast instead of run a best of and what the heck, I'm a sucker for two things in this world;

1. Cute redheads
2. and contributing to GDP.

So tune in by listening online here.

And call the Captain (cause lord knows calls on Thanksgiving are going to be very slim indeed!)



  1. Happy thanksgiving Cap'n! God bless you, your blog and your contribution to GDP :)

  2. No, no thanks are necessary. I was put on this planet to do three things things;

    1. Chase girls
    2. Destroy socialism and socialists
    3. Contribute to GDP

    If only more women would realize how noble these pursuits are.
