Thursday, April 12, 2007

Captain Capitalism's Annual Chart Contest - Entrant #6

From our Swiss friend, Daniel;
"Hi Capt, I did this very simple chart last year when everybody, at least in Europe, went crazy about the Soccer World Cup in Germany. I compared the estimated value of the squads, which I had found in an edition of The Economist, with the success that they had. It seems like money can buy success indeed."
Herr Dan makes a good point about something that we here in the US already know;
The New York Yankees owe their success to money, not good ol' fashioned American Underdoggedness.
Which is primarily the reason I don't bother watching professional sports.
Who the f cares?
Yeah, that's just what I want to do, PAY to WATCH OTHER PEOPLE play sports when for the price of a ticket I could buy my own damn soccer ball and go have an infinitely better (and healthier) time playing with my buddies or the neighborhood kids.
I will never understand professional sports or the people that stake their personal value on them.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    People watch professional sports because they want to admire somebody doing exceptional things that are easy to understand. This is why there are no professional economists tournaments, which is sad, but true.

    Of course, we Europeans know that money is important in sports, too ;-)
    I think the NFL did a pretty good job in cancelling out the money factor. Does socialism work for sports? You'd probably agree with me here, since you mentioned how useless it is to pour money into sports. Furthemore, it would be better for mankind if they lived their socialist dreams in sports, not in our economy and society.

  2. Bah... Italy only spent that much because they were paying actors' salaries to the drama club they fielded.
