Friday, May 04, 2007

The Housing Market Follows the Stock Market?

This was a little chart I picked up recently. I extrapolated it a little further for I had not the time to track down both data series.

Something tells me with GDP slowing down, sales at corporate America are going to stagnate and we're going to have a little correction in the stock markets as well as the housing markets.

And you know whose to blame for all this?

That damn George Bush.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    They are related to each other in that as the Stock market starts to weaken in performance, the money than tends to be invested into the Bond Market (10Year T-Bill). The mortgage interest rates are based off the 10 Year T-Bill, not the prime interst rate... ...unless of course you got an ARM or Interest only Sub-Prime mortgage.. Then who knows what the interest rate is benchmarked from...
