Friday, June 22, 2007

I Predict Unemployment Will Go Up to 4.9%

My economic spidey senses were tingling. And although not based in research, data and statistics, those spidey senses have rarely been wrong. They were triggered when I noticed a good third of my friends have either been laid off or quit their jobs. Anecdotal, I admit. Could be completely wrong? I admit. That being said, I think we're in for an unpleasant surprise here pretty soon. I predict unemployment is going to jump. I'd say to 4.9-5% or so.

But that is just my economic spidey senses.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    looks like we should elect the tax-and-spend crowd to office next election to solve the problem. Oops, i think we already have that crowd in DC already.......

    I beg your forgiveness!

  2. No, no, no forgiveness necessary. You speak the truth! I find it funny that if the economy were to get itself into a jam the "let's lower taxes, but spend more to make us popular so we can get re-elected crowd" would be up sh!t creek when it came to fiscal policy.

  3. You do know best!

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    This is necessarily related to this topic, but did you see this op-ed?

    Being that you are a fan of Ireland, I thought you might enjoy reading that it is due to the following:

    "They happened because of active, vigorous leadership that embraced government as a necessary partner of private enterprise in making people's lives better. They happened because elected officials were determined to have an impact."

    But no mention in the article about low corporate tax rates or people being industrious....

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Maybe business is 'unloading' in anticipation of a Hillary White House.
