Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chuck Norris Economics

From El.

Freaking hilarious.

And "Freaking Hilarious" is the highest rank of hilarity the Captain awards.


  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Here's a few I just made up, since you like this sort of thing. :)

    Chuck Norris is the leading exporter of roundhouse kicks to the face in the entire world.

    The housing market really crashed because Chuck Norris said he would kick in the front wall of every house he didn't like... and he doesn't like any house that does not prominently feature a shrine dedicated solely to him.

    Chuck Norris is fabulously wealthy because he can kick any stock price so hard it never comes back down.

    Chuck Norris doesn't need to throw money from helicopters to counter deflation. He just throws [i]helicopters[/i] so that the reduced supply drives up prices. This technique also works with every other good produced by mankind, and Chuck Norris knows this from personal experience. God help us all if the Fed cuts rates again.

    Do you remember the recession of 1993? Nobody does. Chuck Norris made sure it never happened, since it might have interfered with the first season of Walker, Texas Ranger.

    Chuck Norris has a fractional reserve policy for roundhouse kicks. For every kick Chuck Norris has, he can kick you in the face nine times. If he feels like letting you give him a kick to show how tough he is, that's nine more kicks for you.

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Sorry, that should be *raises* rates. Which means that we're all pretty safe as long as Bernanke is in charge.

  3. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery... the original Chuck Norris facts (as well as Vin Diesel and Mr T) are at, and you can get a random Chuck fact at
