Tuesday, September 18, 2007

People Trust Their Doctor More Than Their Spouse

I found this chart very interesting as it shows you just how much people trust different groups of people. Most shocking is that people trust their doctors more than they do their spouses, but given how divorce has become an Olympic event since the 1960's, I guess I should not be surprised.

Naturally, and deservedly so, employers are ranked at the bottom along with health insurance companies. Though I thought the Po-Po would have faired much worse. Than again, maybe it's just Minneapolis where the cops are completely inept morons and elsewhere the boys in blue have some measure of intelligence (people think I have a grudge against the MPD when in reality, no, seriously folks, don't move here, they really are that incompetent).


  1. He's right about the MPD, they really are that incompetent. I had a friend in college get stopped for "excessive acceleration" because he got off the line well when the light changed. In a house with 6 guys and 5 cars, I think I was the only one who didn't have any BS troubles with the MPD while I lived there.

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "I found this chart very interesting as it shows you just how much people trust different groups of people."

    Ummm...it shows how groups of people are trusted with GENETIC INFORMATION...not trusted in general. Naturally, employers and police would be trusted very little. Hopefully, doctors would be well trusted with this information (HIPAA pretty much mandates this).
