Monday, September 10, 2007

The Republicans are Screwed

I was actually thinking that the Republicans would take back congress in 2008. Call me crazy, but I thought the defeatist mentality would wear thin on the American public, but I underestimated their hatred for Bush and their hatred for the war in Iraq. And I underestimated it by a lot. Apparently the Democrats will trounce the Republicans in 2008, congressional elections and presidential elections as well.

Which means it's a perfect time to vote Libertarian, because seriously, the Republicans are just a lame, if not, quadrapalegic horse to bet on (though Fred Thompson will probably get my presidential vote).


  1. Anonymous3:48 AM


    Have to agree that the Republican presidential field is mostly lame.

    Except Ron Paul.

    As the only credible candidate from either party who supports ending the war in Iraq, Ron Paul clearly is the Reps best option for 2008.

    And besides, he knows his economics.

  2. It sounds like you have a defeatist mentality when it comes to the Republican party. Similar to the war in Iraq, people jump ship when they realize it's time to change directions.

    A more appropriate word would be "maturity."

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I don't know about that, I mean they can only research a limited number of people. One reason the Democrats will not yield to the demands of the Left to just withdraw from Iraq right now is that it would enrage the American populace. I don't know if the American people are as anti-Iraq War as many claim.

    Also, I honestly don't think America is ready for a black man or a woman to be President. Look at Katie Couric. She is a failure as the first prime-time female news anchor. People just aren't ready to get their prime-time news from a woman (yet). I think the same applies to the Presidential position as well regarding Hillary and Obama (provided one of them gets the nomination; if Edwards gets it, who knows). Also, Obama has said some rather ignorant things foreign policy-wise apparently, and Hillary seemes to be disliked by many on both the Left and of course the Right.

    I can't say anything for sure, but we are still very early in the race right now. The media seemed almost positive Bush would be voted out of office in 2004, but he won by a good margin, so who knows.

    From what I've seen so far, I will vote for Fred Thompson.

    I think aside from Fred, Mitt Romney would be the best choice or McCain. I don't like Ron Paul because he seems to have a Jimmy Carter method of foreign-policy regarding how to handle Iran. There is no way we will be able to "reason" with or "understand" Iran.

    Reagan won the Cold War not by trying to "understand" the Soviets but by letting them know we'd blow them off the Earth if they fired at us.

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Don't be too pessimic. In 2005 in Germany, Gerhard Schroeder seemed to have no chance winning the election (the economy had been stagnating for 3 years), but he rallied back and almost won.

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Captain -

    I generally agree, but it doesn't have to go that way if the Republicans would get their stuff together and take a clear, and simple stand regarding the following key issues:

    a) Border Security - Securing the border to stop (illegal) sneak-ins, including terrorists and criminals. Forget the comprehensive imigration reform - it doesn't matter until border is controlled.

    b) Winning in Iraq. The position should be that the stakes are too high to lose and that America's best option remains to do what it takes to win.

    c) Economic prosperity through frugal government spending and tax restraint.

    d) Reduce the size/waste of the federal government by shifting power to the individual states per the Tenth Amendment.

    That's what it would take - a simple party-wide statement of principles (sort of a simplified Contract with America) to nationalize the agenda for the congressional and Senate elections.

    There are other things that could be added such as true earmark reform, not the window-dressed meaningless "reform" that the Democrats have pushed, but let's keep it to 5 or less simple items.

    It certainly would help to see continued progress in Iraq and the GWOT. That would put the Defeatocrats at a disadvantage - loss of credibility and being on the wroing side.

    Unfortunately, the Republican Party has neither the guts nor the brains to do this.

    Dr. Bob

  6. I found your blog today and plan to stop by occasionally. I'm not an Economist; but I read Friedman and Ayn Rand recreationally and consider myself a Libertarian. Stop by my blog if you get a chance. I wrote one post a couple days ago discussing the disparity between core and non-core CPI.

  7. Anonymous5:02 AM

    The title of this entry should be "USA is Screwed", because having the Dems in full power will be an absolute disaster!!! Let's get a board going on how long it will take for the lunatic Muslims to begin an all out assault on this soil with a chicken shit Liberal in the White House! And you can forget about the borders being shut down or the English language surviving much longer. And get ready to start giving up your current way of life as your pay check takes a major hit in taxation. The only humane thing to do at that point is to have someone drop me on my head so that I'll accept the Liberals amazingly flawed way of thinking. I hear New Zealand is a decent place to live these days...

  8. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Speaking of New Zealand, I read their economy performed very badly when they copied the United States and began following free market reforms. I am guessing it wasn't the free market that did this though, it was probably some other element, can anyone expand on this?

  9. It's awfully early to be giving up on '08. Post that in September or October of next year and we'll talk. There's way too much that could happen between now and November '08.
