Monday, March 24, 2008

How Can This Be?

Interesting chart I found whilst gallivanting around on Was looking for population data but came across this chart showing not a lot of women fathom themselves as happy as women were during their grandmothers' time.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but might it be worth seeking advice from our elders?


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Unless you're Japanese, ironically the country on that list with arguably the greatest respect for their elders.

    Just goes to show that the daily risk of assault by sex-crazed tentacle monsters is preferable to strictly enforced domestic servitude interrupted by intermittent nuclear attacks.

    And some people think womens' issues in the US are a big deal. There's really just no comparing.

  2. For Japan its easy; in their "abuelitas" time they where in war...and loosing

  3. Sex crazed tentacle monsters??????

    Roberto, what is the address of the Museum of Economics? I tried to find it and I just have somebody's account of it on a blog.


  4. I leave you their homepage:

    and the direction is:
    Tacuba 17
    Centro Histórico
    México D.F.

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    "Sex crazed tentacle monsters??????"

    Pretty much everything I know about Japan I learned from their entertainment exports. Pretty much the only thing keeping them safe from the aforementioned tentacle monsters are magical girls who may or may not have cat ears.

    Come on Captain, you've got an anime character as your avatar; I really shouldn't have to explain any of this.

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    "but might it be worth seeking advice from our elders?"

    Haven't you heard? It's too late to ask for our guidance: No Country For Old Men. We'll let you young whippersnappers figure it out.

    On a less petulant note, had someone explained to me that after a lifetime of reading history, literature, economics, anthropology, and the rest of the good stuff I and my contemporaries would be regarded as a bit dimwitted and dinosaurs by developmentally-delayed twenty two year olds I might have done things differently. Probably a few more threesomes, more video games perhaps.

  7. There were no sex crazed tentacle monsters in the entirety of the Cowboy Bebop saga. I also watched Voltron, Samurai Champloo, Robotech, Ranma 1/2 and a half dozen others and never seen the "SCTM" episodes. I'm afraid I don't want to find out.

    Old Man,

    You are correct. And in forgetting our past and ignoring the wisdom of our elders we can expect to repeat the same mistakes. And I give my generatino credit to make bigger and badder ones.

  8. Anonymous5:24 AM

    "There were no sex crazed tentacle monsters in the entirety of the Cowboy Bebop saga. I also watched Voltron, Samurai Champloo, Robotech, Ranma 1/2 and a half dozen others and never seen the "SCTM" episodes. I'm afraid I don't want to find out."

    You're right, you don't. It's a cultural quirk in their porn, probably brought about by the post-WW2 Constitution that we wrote for them which outlawed drawing actual male genetalia. So the US is partly to blame, but anyway. They actually did make a reference to it in Samurai Champloo episode 5, where Mugen mutters something about "Doin' it with a squid" while looking at something that was almost definitely "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife", which is probably the earliest example of "WTF tentacles!?" Wikipedia: your one-stop research stop for Things That Might Not Be True.

    Since we're vaguely on the subject of anime, you ought to check out a series called Spice and Wolf. Economics plays a big part of it; by the end of the second episode the protagonist (a merchant) is explaining how you he can make money by speculating on coins that are about to be re-minted with a higher silver content. You can actually stream the whole series with subtitles here:

    It starts off a bit slow and seems like it might be for guys who have some sort of wolf-girl fixation, but it picks up fairly quickly with the plot.

  9. There was another one called Jin-Roh where the first scene is the government sending in armored troops to shoot the communist protesters.

    I was immediately hooked.

    Then it slowed WAAAAAY down

    And then I was complaining to my friend who made me watch it.

    He then informed me to relax and that I would like the end;

    Which I did, because it has to be the best surprise ending of any movie I ever saw.

    Plus commies are dying!
