Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Just a Friendly Reminder How Right I Usually Am

Found this old post.

Good ole Hugo.

If you're about to lose power, start a war.

Actually, how are the leftists that love Hugo going to rationalize their love for him now? He started a war, just like Bush! He's a warmonger!

Ahhh, but he's their warmonger.


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    No need to approve this message, I didn't see a way to contact you, and I'd like to extend an invitation to a message board where some conservatives hang out. We're newer, our numbers are small, but we hope to gain some speed and make a difference. If you would like to check us out, we can be found at Political Gravitas www.politicalgravitas.com , and just click on the forums link at the top.

    I've read your blog for a long time and I'd love to have you join us.
    Beth/Scrapalatte over at PG

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    This little prick should have had an "accident" when he was at the UN last year mouthing off to our president!!! There's a bullet out there with his name on it and I hope it finds the mark sooner rather than later!

  3. This is really rather interesting at the moment; not just for the military shenanigans engaged in by Mr. Chavez, but also for the relative lack of coverage in the everyday media.

    Now, if the worst should happen, I can predict that Venezuela's military will probably get thrashed fairly stoutly; Colombia has, after all, been engaging in a counter-guerilla war for years, and the Colombian military has practical combat experience, something sorely lacking in Venezuela and Ecuador's militaries. Add to this the undeniable fact that Chavez's government has been implicated in a fundraising scheme for FARC ranging (apparently) in the hundreds of millions, and I foresee Mr. Chavez getting some serious egg on his face, both domestically and internationally, if this manufactured crisis is brought back from war.
