Monday, April 21, 2008

Why McCain Will Win

Hillary or Obama, the fact remains both are extremists. McCain will appeal to the majority and the moderates and Hillary with her hypocrisy and Obama and his disdain for America will cost them the election.

I would like to further point out, I could be completely wrong. America voted for a pot-smoking philanderer over WWII vet with Clinton v. Bush Sr.

They may just vote for Obama the Soap Opera over a Vietnam veteran/hero, simply on account he's "cuter" or "hotter" than McCain.

Sadly, I wish I wasn't being sarcastic.


  1. I love the fact that the only thing the people thought Obama would be best at is lowering fuel prices!

    What the hell does that mean?

    That's the change they're looking for?

    (as if the President has anything, short of a war, to do with that)

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    The most powerful right we have as citizens is the VOTE and sadly it is treated with way too little respect. I believe one should have to prove a certain level of governmental understanding before being allowed to exercise this right. It would help to prevent so many con artists and A-Holes from coming into power and furthering their own self-centered agendas!

  3. I firmly believe that the American political system and the people have no friggin clue what is actually important anymore.

    I'm moving to New Zealand. Anyone with me?

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    McCain LOST and the republicans are the sorest bunch of losers I've ever seen. It's pathetic.
