Monday, May 19, 2008

Hat Tip to My Mom

The squeaky wheel gets the grease and this is what my Mom always told me about the 1960's. That basically, not all baby boomers were smoking pot and shooting heroin as they parasited off of the Greatest Generation protesting the Vietnam War. It's just the deadbeat hippies were more "romantic" and "ratings getting" than the rest of them, and therefore got most the press. Ergo the baby boomers were misrepresented as a bunch of idiotic losers listening to Jim Morrison (who, by the way sucks just as much as Kirk Cocaine - and yes, this time I purposely misspelled it. Want to hear good music, listen to this. See, talent. Yeah, actual voice and skill required. And not dying on a toilet bowl while OD-ing).

In any case it was nice to see this which corroborated what my Mom was saying the entire time.


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The Baby Boom Generation is the kidney stone in the American Body Politic.

    It has caused nothing but pain and damage, and hopefuly it will soon, at long last, pass.

  2. I am wondering if the Captain was at our alma mater when the 25th anniversary of Kent State was "commemorated" on campus? Yrs Truly chalked his own slogan of support and grieving for those noble souls on the Wash. Ave. Bridge to show his empathy and student solidarity; to wit,

    "You found out too early
    That dying ain't hard
    Next time don't throw bricks
    At the National Guard"
