Saturday, May 24, 2008

Let's All Laugh at Maxine Waters

This is great, you have to let it go to about 1;29 and watch people in the back laughing at Maxine Waters because she;

1. Obviously didn't listen to what the oil execs said
2. "Like liberals could take over the oil industry and run it better than than oil executives."

The fact she is a representative is a testament to the idiots that elected her in there and is why I will never move to California.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Considering the utter ignorance many of these Congresspeople showed regarding economics and the oil industry, do you really think they were THAT dumb, or that it was more of just a dog-and-pony show that the politicians put on to please the public who need a scapegoat and the oil execs just go along with it...?
