Friday, May 16, 2008

Want to Waste Some Money? Finance a Modern Day Wedding

I swear when I get married, it will be by the Flying Elvises in Vegas, nobody but my wife and I will know, nobody is invited and I will throw a little shindig upon my return at my favorite joint in St. Paul.

With the savings, not to mention the extra time that would have been saved from no planning it, my wife and I will retire 10 years earlier than expected.

Weddings are such a waste of money.


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Sad thing in many of these overdone weddings with a live band, open bar for a cast of hundreds, horse-driven carriages, international travel for the honeymoon, yada, yada, yada is that the debt may last longer than the marriage.

    We had a pre-wedding family dinner, a church wedding with a few dozen invitees other than family and a driving trip to the Black Hills. Got married in a suit rather than a rented tux. A very simple deal. Biggest expense was the bride's dress that was on sale for $125.

    The financial stress of paying for this often leads to marital discord.

    So what ever happened to living within your means anyway.

    Of course for the frugal economist, a private marriage ceremony at the courthouse works well too.

  2. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Captain: I married my wife a little over a year ago.

    The process was quite enlightening. When we registered for gifts, the person helping us said "It's not your money, so go ahead and get a little crazy." I almost jumped out of my chair at the poor woman. This is why the country is in the mess it's in!

    On the plus side, we spent about $2000 on the wedding and reception. Paid for with cash. My wife's dress was bought for less than I paid for my suit.

    There's no way I could have married a woman if she wanted an "average" wedding. Thank goodness she's smarter than that!

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Well, once you ignore the wedding-industrial complex's propaganda it gets a lot cheaper.

    My sister got a simple, elegant, nice dress for 200$ (I think she got a little tailoring on it too), hired a chef and rented a nice place off season for the price of nice but cheap used car.

    Got married at the local town hall.

    I was the photographer.

    And she didn't invite 100+ pp either.

    My new brother in law has no clue how lucky he is.

  4. I was discussing wedding plans with a friend of mine and she mentioned the figure $30,000. Considering some numbers I have heard I wasn't too shocked until she made clear; that was the cost of the catering!
