Saturday, May 03, 2008

You "Think" They Might Make a Comeback?

I think buffalo or the more correct term "bison" are quite majestic creatures. I run into them quite often when hiking or fossil hunting in the Dakotas and Nebraska.

But I get a kick out of this "there's a chance they might make a comeback."

A "chance????"

Look, people, all you have to do is go hiking in Badlands National Park in spring and you will be hard pressed not to step in buffalo poo. I covered over 24 miles in one day and it was a continuous task not to step in something. I am left to conclude one of two things;

1. Either a few buffalo poo a HELL of a lot or;
2. There's a lot more buffalo than you think.

I do genuinely hope that the buffalo do return to their previous numbers. But if the do then another problem will be solved;

We won't have a fertilizer shortage anymore.


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I was always fasinated by the Bison. Here is a fun fact!! What is the only Plains Indian Tribe that would fight at night?? Give up.

    The Kiowa. Look it up.

  2. And do your loyal readers know just why the North American bison is making a comeback (and has been for many years now)?

    Economics, kids! The glories of the marketplace! All hail the free market in delicious buffalo burgers!

  3. Anon,

    Can you post a link to that? I was trying to look it up. Would love to post something about people only fighting at night as it would give some semblance of manliness and bravery in this world.

  4. Mahan,

    Haven't had a buffalo burger in all my years in the Dakotas. Will have to have one next time.

  5. Anonymous8:57 PM

    When I passed through Montana once, I saw a sign some rancher put up: "Bison for sale".

    (Some of the Bison are half-breeds though, crossed with cattle.)

    I also saw one bathing in a river. Too bad I didn't have the camera handy.

  6. Who needs to go to the friendly, welcoming Dakotas? Just swing by your local grocers and pick some up! Failing that (I know you of old), go to the State Fair in August and dig in.
