Monday, June 23, 2008

Hard Cover or Soft Cover

Odd question for all the Captain Capitalismites out there, but do any of you guys care if I publish the book hard cover versus soft cover? Let me know, have to make a decision here. Any advice from the market would be appreciated.



  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Personally, I prefer hardcover over softcover when I buy a new book. Though, like all things, this depends on the relative price difference between the hardback and paperback version. How much more would a hardcover edition cost on Amazon or wherever you plan on selling these things?

  2. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I like paperbacks best.

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    That depends on a question more important than the one asked by Ryan... you want me reading this while on the toilet or not?

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Make sure it gets published in a format I can download to my Kindle reading device!

  5. Softcovers are for fiction I say!

    Any capitalist knows anything worth reading comes out in hardcover first!

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM


  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I love hardcover books, but on my way to the checkout it's always the paperback that I choose.

  8. Paperback. Hardcover is usually not worth the price.

  9. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Any book worth owning is worth owning in hardcover. It would sit next to PJ O'Rourke, Neil Boortz and Milton Friedman.

  10. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Are you also publishing electronically (i.e., e-book)?

  11. Hardcover if you want to be taken seriously, or if you want to be relegated as quickly as possible to B&N's Bargain section.

    Paperback if you want to end up at Half-Price Books within, oh, a month or so.

    Ignore all calls for so-called "E-books"; print is still the best way to reach the masses. Trust me on this one; I made E-ink for a company that's currently going bankrupt after betting on e-publishing.

  12. HARD COVER! That gets you into many libraries, and lets you influence a lot more people.

