Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Because You're a Socialist, Obama, Not Because You're Black

I will preemptively address this and it will be a short post for it truly and really is that simple;

Obama, people who don't vote for you will do so, not because you're black. It's because you're a socialist.

I don't know how many Republicans, Capitalists, Libertarians and other like-minded people who because they advocate low taxes must automatically mean they're racist, would have gladly had Condi Rice as a presidential candidate over John McCain. And I'm adamantly sure that the vast majority of Republicans, Capitalists, Libertarians and other like-minded people who because they advocate low taxes must automatically mean they're racist, would whole heartedly support my presidential nominee; Walter E Williams. And there is of course the likes of Thomas Sowell and Peter Swanson and scores of others who are black and would make better presidential fodder than McCain. And the reason why we support these blacks over you, is because they are pro-capitalist, American loving Americans who are for not just social freedom, but economic freedom as well. Race really has nothing to do with it. We are truly capable of looking at a candidate for their policies and not the color of their skin.

The question is; all your supporters who are going to vote for you just because you're black and couldn't care less about your policies (because you have none except "change" and "hope" and "uniting"), is that not by default technically racist?

Just wondering.

In the meantime I will be voting Libertarian because I am done with the Norm Colemans and the John McCains of this world. Besides Walter E didn't run. Any chance of kidnapping and individual and forcing him to run?


  1. Same here. I'm voting for Bob Barr.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    what a sad state of affairs we have found ourselves in. You are right on when using the racist word. ANYONE who challenges Obama on any issue (substantive or not) will be labeled a Racist.

    I for one will be voting Libertarian.

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Personally, I think Obama isn't stupid, he is brilliant and very slick, a political animal that is like a snake covered in oil. He says what needs to be said, if he has to change his views, does it in a gradual manner, captures the stupid youth vote by appearing on all the mindless talk shows, completely avoiding any kind of challenging intellectual TV shows, stopped doing any debates after being caught with his pants down in the last debate against Hillary, and now won't debate again I believe until July 4th, when no one will be watching.

    The only area I could feel somewhat comfortable about him as President is that if we are getting an ultra-liberal who will have to have go up against the likes of Chavez, Ahmadenejad, Putin, etc...might as well have a guy who is from a city reknowned for shady, hardcore, make promises-then-break-them-and-throw-your-friends-under-a-truck-to-gain-power politics, Chicago (i.e. fight fire with fire!). Unless he decides to "sell-out" America, who knows.

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I too wish Walter E. Williams would run for President. Unfortunately, he will not run. Thus I will be voting for the closest person available, Bob Barr.

    I was thinking about possibly holding my nose and voting for McCain, but after the crap Minnesota State GOP Chair Ron Carey pulled on the Ron Paul and other non-McCain supporters at the state convention, there is no way.

    I also will not be voting for Norm Coleman. My ballot for Senator will either be blank or possibly vote for Ventura.
