Sunday, June 22, 2008

Seems I Must Explain Myself

I take the stand that children are expensive, burdensome and not for me.

I get so much trollish hate-posts that it warrants explanation and a lecture.

#1. This is still a free country and if I so decide not to have a child, that is my god damned right. It is not selfish, self-centered or greedy. What is greedy are people who have children because children go well with the drapes and they "always wanted children" but then dump them off at a day care center or have a nanny or grandma raise them because they're too busy with their career.

#2. It is very UNselfish of me not to have a child, because I respect the would be Cpt. Capitalism Jr enough to know I would not be a good father. I would be a reluctant father. And since, unlike too many people today, I refuse to ship my kid off to a day care farm, and would insist either myself or my wife would stay home with the kid, the fact I refuse to have a child only means I respect human life and children enough to know its best I don't bring one into this world under my fathership.

#3. This Darwinian BS that "Oh, Captain, you're just the person we need to breed." BS. If my child is going to be born, I face a paradox. He/she is not going to be a loafer and live off of welfare and the state. They will be just as independent and self reliant a man as I am, under my insistence. However, the irony is that the trend is to teach children dependency and victimhood in school. And as far as I can tell or forecast, that means my offspring will just end up being a host to a generation of parasites by the default fact s/he will be a producer and not a consumer. ie-I don't have faith in the future of this country or society to bring a child into it, simply because I think s/he will just end up slaving away to pay for a bunch of whinny socialist parasites. So you guys go and adhere to this "don't you want your legacy to continue" BS all you want. I'm already a slave enough to the parasites of this nation paying the taxes I do. I'm not putting any innocent human in the same position.

#4. You TRULY sick, twisted greedy effers who demand other people pro-create so THEIR children can SUPPORT YOU via social security????? Seriously, do you not have the capacity to think independently??? Since when did children become mandatory batteries to fund your retirement? Why don't you just stick an IV in them and transfer their blood directly to your bodies? And by the way, how does that, demanding people have children to support you in your retirement, exactly differ from slavery? You sick twisted, pathetic a$$holes. You better pray and hope I don't become president/king because you're the first people I'm gunning after.

Now unless somebody has a great job opportunity for me that will make me infinitely wealthy or reason to think somehow the choice between Barack "The Socialist American Hater" Obama and John "The Socialist American Hater" McCain portends hope for this nation, please do not ask me, let alone demand I pro-create and bring a child into this hell hole. And dare I say it, before you bring another innocent soul into this world, you better think as long as hard as I have on this one before you do too.

Because as far as I can tell, that is the truest sign of love and compassion for a child; Thinking about them before they already exist.


  1. Anonymous4:52 AM I guess carbon-cloning you off a few hundred times and forming a nation is out?

  2. I'll start out by saying i don't really give a damn if you want kids or not. I agree that it's a choice, and while I disagree with basing the choice on economics (kids are not about revenues vs expenditures), I do agree that if you don't want any then that's your choice to make regardless what other people think, and you don't need to justify it to any arrogant bystanders who would tell you otherwise.

    On to my actual point, I read your blog a lot, mostly because I find it pretty funny listening to you rant about liberals and being so staunchly pro republican. I don't agree with a lot of what you say but I still find it entertaining. The one thing I do strongly disagree with from this post is that you WOULDN'T be a good father. You start out by saying that, but then follow it up with a bunch of statements that indicate that you'd be a great one. Refusing to put your kid in daycare, actually demanding responsibility of them and teaching them to be independant, etc etc.

    Like I said, i could care less if you have kids or not, but make no mistake, you'd be a great dad and any kid would be lucky to have a parent who cared about their upbringing as much as you make it sound like you would. Maybe you wouldn't be stuck in a country full of parasites if more people gave their kids that kind of upbringing. (I'm from Canada and make no mistake, we're in the same boat)

  3. #2 Same reason i won't have pets!

    #4 LMAO!.. I thought there is a limit to stupidity, but it is evident that there isn't. You can't fix stupid..

  4. Adam,

    Well now cloning is different.

    Then I can create an army.

    And then take over the world.

    Not by force. But by sheer production of GDP.

    We'd form our own country. Develop our own economy. And if you think the Arabs and the Chinese are buying you out, heh, imagine a nation of 100 million Captains.

    Heh heh.

  5. Thanks Chris, still I think the little tyke would prefer a bit more "baseball game and fishing" type father. Not "time for your economic lesson of the day" father.

  6. Ro!

    Where've you been man? How's Indiana?

  7. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "#4. You TRULY sick, twisted greedy effers who demand other people pro-create so THEIR children can SUPPORT YOU via social security????? Seriously, do you not have the capacity to think independently??? Since when did children become mandatory batteries to fund your retirement? "

    I once got into an argument with the vice-principle of my high school (about a decade ago) and he basically told me the reason he believes we can't possibly spend enough money on education was because he wanted to produce good, well educated people who would fund HIS social security.

    At the time (being just a teenager) I was only able to laugh maniacally at his stupidity (the other rhetorical tools in my debating toolbox included punching the guy or swearing, luckily my toolbox has since expanded).

    The guy made (and still makes) six figures a year, has a house on a very nice lake and drives an SUV. The guy could easily fund his own retirement and probably could fund a second charity retirement for some homeless guy without hurting his standard of living.

    It just shows you the kind of sick thinking infecting liberals everywhere.

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "Imagine a nation of 100 million Captains." Just an inane observation on my part, but as a Captain (my real last name) with a multitude of Captain relatives, including three children of my own, I can vouch that a million Captains would be the end of civilization, and not just as we know it.

  9. Anonymous7:07 PM

    All my relatives, distant or close, that have been millionaires have been childless.

    Coincidence? I think not.

    I have five kids. Wouldn't trade them for a millionaires life. Most children of millionaires seem pretty screwed up through gross parental neglect. Paris Hilton, Ted Kennedy...

  10. Anonymous10:14 PM

    did you make a modest proposal or what?


  11. Anonymous1:30 PM

    My wife and I recently had our first (and probably only) child. He's now 8 1/2 months, and I really love being a father. However, taking care of him is so much work, that I cannot conceive of doing it without that desire to do so. So I applaud you for having the insight to know that fatherhood isn't for you. I wish more people would take the time to educate themselves as to what is entailed in raising a kid, and decide if that's really what they want before conceiving.
