Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stuff White People Like - Bumper Stickers

Absolutely freaking hilarious.

If you're thinking about committing suicide, this will stop you dead in your tracks.

Warning - the site is pretty funny and you can get lost for about 2 hours on it.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I disagree on the bumper stickers. In NC, I find the more conservative/right leaning bumper sticker (W = Bush, McCain, etc) are usually on windows where they can be scrapped off. On the other hand, the more liberal/left leaning, (Obama, Edwards, Hilary) are plastered anywhere. I have thought about this a bit and feel it is because conservative people respect their asset. We work for it, recognize it has value and some day hope to get a decent penny when we sell. The liberals tend to have a anti-capitalist perspective where the car is transportation and if they cherished it they would be selling out. So they deface it to show they aren't going to be controlled by the almighty dollar.

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    On my commute to work on occasion I see a left wing looney car like the one in the picture in the linked page.

    My rule of thumb is the more leftist bumper stickers on a car, the more action I should take to avoid coming near anywhere it. One sticker is ok, two stickers means to be alert for potential driving misconduct, more than two - avoid these drivers at all costs.

    There was a recent study reported that drivers of cars with bumper stickers are more prone to road rage.

    There are two exceptions to this rule:

    a) A hybrid with only one liberal or democratic sticker goes in the avoid at all costs category even though it has only one sticker.

    b) Any car still running around with a Wellstone! sticker goes in the avoid at all costs category too.

    The reasoning here is that people driving those vehicles are extremely dogmatic and arrogant about their "rights" and are oblivious of their responsibilities and anyone else's rights.

    Let's be careful out there.

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Did you mean to post the bumper sticker's link twice?


  4. Dave, you remind me of the guy who said,

    "I don't understand how Bush won. I don't know anyone who voted for him."

    I've lived in 8 states and traveled through 30 others. Liberals are far more likely to have a bumper sticker and far more likely to have multiple stickers.

    Of course you'll see more conservative stickers in conservative places, but nationwide it's no contest.

    Liberals love nothing better than the sound of their own voices.

    I wrote my own blog entry on this topic with photographs:

    Hope you all enjoy it.


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