Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Another Sign America is Dying

If this was the WWII generation, the WTC would be done and finished by now.

But no, we have to adhere to zoning, and environmental studies and focus groups and surveys and everything that now handicaps us from rebuilding something that should have been rebuilt in a matter of two years.

I'm starting to subscribe to the theory that the WTC should be rebuilt exactly the way it was, despite it's horrendous 1970's style architecture.

The fact it isn't built yet is a testament to the severe lack of Americanism in America.


  1. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  2. No it should not be rebuilt exactly the way it was. It should be rebuild exactly the way it was, except 1 foot taller. 8-)

  3. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I blame Leviathan. It's going to get even worse once the socialist saviour Obama wins the presidency. Are there any other countries in this world befitting the services of hard working capitalists? Only requirement is that english is spoken by most (all?) of the populace.

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Possibily the smoking gun on "climate change" in the US.?


    Worth some research.

  5. Out here in California - they were going to open one of the beaches to dogs without leashes. But it stalled because they had to get an environmental report first. Because dogs might shat on a beach.

    Your tax dollars at work people.

  6. Dear Captain Capitalism,
    Here is a vote for "Build the WTC exactly the same and in the exact same location."

  7. Anonymous4:46 AM

    No kidding, just rebuild it already.

    And please, grab which ever architects have been involved hitherto inthe new projects and have them shot -pour encourager les autres - . Have you seen those proposals? ugh.
