Saturday, July 26, 2008

How American's View Business

Everyone is entitled to everything, and if they don't get what they want, they go running to the government;


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I have this and numerous C&H books on my shelf. Everyone should do themselves a favor and buy them. I specifically remember showing this one to my macroeconomics teacher in high school. He got a good chuckle from it.

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Apostrophe check! :)

    Great strip, Captain.

  3. Thanks Ryan, your's is the most' polite way to point out I have' too many' apostrophes'

    To all the English majors who have nothing better to do, go ef youre'seves's'

  4. Anonymous4:43 AM

    This C&H has always reminded me of the following joke.

    A Canadian, a Scotsman and an American were driving along the coast when it slid off the road into the water. They find themselves standing before the Pearly Gates with St Peter saying "Heaven is getting full these days, so I'm going to cut you a deal. For $100 I'll send you back to the land of the living." The American reaches into his wallet and gives St Peter $100. He soon finds himself being hauled out the water by the emergency crews who arrived on the scene. The crew ask him "Thank goodness you're ok. What happened to the Scotsman and the Canadian you were with?". The American replied, "Last I saw, the Scotsman was haggling over the price and the Canadian thought the government should pay for it."

    Sadly, the commentary on this Canadian stereotype is all too accurate.
