Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Angry Response

I made a post two posts below about honoring 9-11. I got enough "sensitive 90's" responses about how killing more of them (terrorists) won't solve the situation and that we lost Vietnam because of this and blah blah blah. And in sheer rage responded.

The good news is this is my blog. And the good news is more people listen and read me than people who disagree. And the good news is I get to decide what's published or not, not some lefty internet trolls. And by God I will post something that is positive and I will defend the fact we kill more terrorists than they kill us because it is important and it damn well means something to me, and I gander a lot of Americans who are sick of the pansy sensitive 90's BS. My rage induced response is below;

My freaking God, no wonder the terrorists are emboldened! What is this pansy ass crap I am hearing? Seriously. If George Patton were alive he'd launch the 5th army against all of you.

Can you none of you just let yourselves enjoy the fact we're killing the bad guys at a rate at six times what they're killing us?

I know we've all been brainwashed to shun violence and shun revenge, but while I still have the slightest bit of testosterone and hatred for the enemy, I'm going to be damn happy we're killing these scumbags faster than they are us.

Jesus freaking Christ. Can the soldiers just get an occasional "thanks for kicking ass"? Can they? Or does there have to be some public-school indoctrinated caveat about the statistics and then some moral qualm about killing evil people?

I will out of sheer piss-offedness no longer post comments on this thread that are anything BUT praise, adulation and gratitude to the success of the military. And the reason why is you can get otherwise elsewhere and I'm sick of hearing "otherwise."

Just cheer, hell, ACKNOWLEDGE the freaking good guy without a godamned string attached once in a while, will ya?!


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Captain, you know I'm not some left wing troll, and I'm not just repeating some pansyassed position I heard in a public school someplace. I can't speak for anybody else, but I have no moral qualms with killing evil people. I only question whether that is a relevant measure of our success. Unless we're killing them faster than the fundies are recruiting them, we're swimming against the tide.

    I enjoy A-10 guncam footage as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to confuse that which is Totally Awesome for that which is actually effective in reshaping the world according to our interests.

    You might post this or you might not; it's your blog, your decision, and I can respect that. I'm just commenting here to clear up the apparent misunderstanding that I'm some kind of left wing pacifist. I want America to win, and I'm glad we're kicking ass. I just wonder whether tearing around the Middle East kicking asses and taking names is actually going to get us any closer to the security and prosperity that we're presumably aiming for.

  2. You can't expect any better from them.

    Liberals love their country the way a spouse abuser loves his wife.

    On the one year anniversary of 9/11, I literally heard a liberal English professor say, "We were stupid. We deserved it."

    She deserves to be trapped in a room with a 9000 degree inferno burning under her feet.

    Don't worry about screening out the moonbats. They have plenty of venues to preach their hatred for America.

    I don't worry about what liberals, socialists, communists, terrorists, economic competitors, the French, or anyone else has to say. I wear their hatred as a badge of honor.

    Just because someone has a voice doesn't mean we owe them our ears.

  3. This will make you feel MUCH better Captain. I promise:

    I almost cried with joy to see the militants splattered like bugs on a windshield!

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Captain, I keep pictures of the smoking towers on my computer so I can see, every day, why it is a good thing that terrorists are killed.
    Too many of my peers, however, are more interested in who got voted off the island. I am starting to believe that the Leftists in this country are supressing information in an effort to get Americans to forget not only why we're at war, but that we're actually in a war, with real consequences if we lose.

    American's culture of moral equivalence will cause our defeat faster than any terrorist.

  5. Ryan, you're not the problem.

    No one who is would dare say, "I want America to win, and I'm glad we're kicking ass."

    As to your wondering, "whether tearing around the Middle East kicking asses and taking names is actually going to get us any closer to the security and prosperity that we're presumably aiming for, well, consider what our options are for a moment; we don't have the option of a "negotiated peace" with such an enemy, so our only two practical options are "kicking ass" OR "cutting and running."

    Suffice to say, we can't afford to "cut and run" this time, because unlike the Viet Cong, these guys WILL follow us home!

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    My history may be a bit off, but from my understanding, the only reason we "lost" Vietnam was because we never really fought it. If you put Mike Tyson in his prime, with his hands tied behind his back, up against Richard Simmons let's say, Simmons is still going to kick his ass.

    The United States was completely hamstringed, a good deal by Lyndon Johnson, during the Vietnam War.

    We won the initial major battle, in the Idrang Valley, and Ho Chi Mihn was going to negotiate, but the American media made out as if we'd lost, and public opinion turned against the war, so Ho Chi Mihn then decided to hold out, thinking we'd pull out, so he could appear as the victor.

    But we didn't.

    Cambodia wanted to remain neutral, so we decided to respect Cambodia's neutrality. Of course the geniuses in charge completely ignored that the North Vietnamese went and started using Cambodia as a base to recover and for supply lines and so forth.

    We also completely put Northern Vietnam off limits to bombing.

    It would basically have been like invading Iraq but telling the military they could not bomb any of Saddam Hussein's military or infrastructure.

    So we proceeded to then fight a big conflict for years all because we wouldn't bomb the North Vietnam and Cambodia.

    The Vietnamese would fight, then retreat to North Vietnam or Cambodia, rest and recover, then fight again.

    Ignorant people make out as if we went into Vietnam, and bombed, bombed, bombed and fought, fought, fought and somehow still lost.

    In reality it wasn't UNTIL we started really bombing the shit out of the enemy that the thing ended.

    When Nixon became President, he opened up Northern Vietnam and Cambodia to bombing. Crucial supply lines from the Soviets were cut off, and crucial infrastructure and supply lines in Northern Vietnam were destroyed.

    Then suddenly North Vietnam wanted to "negotiate" again.

    Likely, had we just done this (bomb North Vietnam and Cambodia) all the way back at the start, the whole damn slaughterhouse of the war could have been avoided, and Vietnam, at worst, would have turned into a version of the current Iraq War, if at all, considering their supplies would've been cut-off completely.

    And yet, even despite all this stupid hamstringing, we still never lost any major battle in Vietnam.

    And I actually shouldn't be phrasing it "we" because I didn't fight in that war at all, it's just easier to write with the word "we" for this.

    Today, if you notice, they don't pull any of this Vietnam pansy-style fighting. They go and bomb all the enemy's infrastructure and military, but thanks to precision technology and the professionalism of our soldiers, we can bomb crucial infrastructure targets with minimal casualties, and we can do something like take a city, like Fallujah, with minimal casualties as well.

    Now we are fighting a counter-insurgency war, which historically take about ten years to complete from what I understand.

  7. The crux of my annoyance with 9-11 is how the media portrays it as a "tragedy" no different than a natural disaster. Then they make it so maudlin that you would think it was a hallmark moment.

    Sorry, I'll stick to what I said the day it happened - it was an act of war. On that day, I'll mourn those I who died that day, and thank our men in uniform for taking the fight to them in big heaping portions!

  8. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Golf Clap
    Nicely done.

    “I’ll tell you what war is about. You’ve got to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough they stop fighting.” -- General Curtis LeMay
