Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama is Such a Hypocrite

I can't watch debates solely because you have to be an idiot to believe a word EITHER candidate was saying. All these people asking me, "So did you watch the debates?"

No, why would I? I know what both of the candidates are going to do once they get into office, and pretty much everybody else does, no matter what they're going to say on national television. The only reason they even have debates is to go after that group of undecideds who are so politically ignorant that they are undecided at this late stage in the game, yet are so politically important because they will decide who the next president is. Ergo, now you have Barack Obama calling for drilling for oil now? Hello??????, can you say stick wet finger in the air and lie through my teeth and say whatever I can to get elected?

Regardless, this was the best part of the debate and shows you just how pointless it is to watch these debates. You all go ahead and watch the debates. I don't have time to be lied to as my life is very finite and very precious. Ergo, my time will not be wasted listening to talking heads.


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Ah, it's even worse than that, Captain -
    the family of that dead soldier whose bracelet Obama wears asked him to not wear it.

    Obama is a fraud - he will say anything at anytime regardless of what he's said before, solely to advance his career.

    NBot fit for public office.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    "Undecided" means "has no principles, will vote for whoever will pay the most for it".
