Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sadly, How I'm Progressingly Seeing America

We don't work.

We spend more money than we make.

We blame all of our problems on everybody else.

We're entitled to everything.

So why are we so great?

Because we're Americans and, um, well, uh, by that fact not only are we great, we'll be great forever.

Yeah, just like the Romans.


  1. There's a difference between being an American and living on the particular piece of Earth called America.

    If we remain "American," we will always be great...forever.

    In only 200 years, we surpassed the scientific, cultural and economic advancement of 4000 years of European, Asian, and African civilization.

    Read your own post about how Europe is mocking us. It reveals their weakness more than our own; they are dependent on our economy.

    Changing who and what we are is what's leading us to destruction.

    We survived many situations worse than this one. Remember Reagan's words: "There's nothing wrong with America that can't be fixed by what's right with America."

    Whenever you think you have doubts about our nation's future, read the Gettysburg Address. Imagine Lincoln's despair! It brightens my day every time.

    We're still here, and we're still strong.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    My Mom was born in England in the late 1920s. Her Mom had been born in Dublin in the late 1890s. I had an Uncle that was Civil Commisoner for Burma before WW II, an Aunt who lived in Rhodesia, and more relatives who were in the Royal Navy and the RAF than you can shake a stick at.

    When my Mom was my daughter's age the Sun never set on the British Empire. The Empire was going to last forever because...well...God wanted it that way. Britania Ruled the Waves, and the "White Dominons" of Canada, Australia, New Zeland, and South Africa, and India, Pakistan, Bangaladesh, Burma, Singapore, Malaya, Hong Kong, Rhodesia, Uganda, Beleze, Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, etc. etc. etc. That's the way it was and here was no way those short little heathens who had black hair and funny colored skin (or those grasping American capitalists) would ever be able to do anything about it. The idea that Japanese soldiers, with their funny eyeglasses and their rations of rice would be able to defeat British troops was unthinkable.

    Neither Rob, nor anybody else, should underestimate what a couple of decades of bad policy and irresponsible government can do. Europe is mocking us because they saw this show before, heck they were this show before...(do a Google on "Suez Crisis 1956" to see why they are happy to see us in a weak position) and they know how the third act comes out.

    Larry Rasczak
