Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sincere Pscyhological Problems

I don't want to hear about how we on the right "hate." Seems to be the monopoly of the left.


Click on the profile here. Does anybody see what I see?


  1. You keep forgetting it's a religion with these folks. Almost on par with the old Irish scribes spending several weeks on the first letter of a chapter. Note the loving detail of the faux beaver with the prop off center of the radial engine, and the beautifully drawn WHEELS buried in the snow. Rationality doesn't enter into the equation.


  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Hey Captain, gotta love the fact that they approve ever post made. I guess free speech isn't something the left whats to heard. Keep up the good work, cheers

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Lefists project too much.

  4. Actually, if the McCain/Palin ticket gets elected, I'd expect to see an increase in the size of government, taxation, spending, and regulation.

    It's a little early (not to mention melodramatic) to start framing Palin as the killer of liberty, but I can't exactly see her being a champion of freedom either.

  5. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Working with Zimbabweans? I bet she was a sociology major.

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Wow. Just, wow.

    Andrew, I 'm a little confused on how a Palin/McCain administration automatically means less freedom? It seems to me that their ticket is the one looking for more free market remedies to what ails us, not the other way around...

    Capt'n, I'd have to make a reference to one of Rush Limbaugh's rules; "Feminism was created to allow ugly women access to the mainstream." Or something to that effect...

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    The right has as much a vested interest in keeping divisive politics alive and well as the left.
    The power structure of the collective state depends on it.
    There can be no serious debate on the machinations and violations of individual freedom as perpetuated by the state as long as the muck rakers keep the ignorant firing on all cylinders.
    No sane person can make the argument that there is a a dimes worth of difference between two wings of big government buzzard.

  8. Liberals understand liberty the way men understand pregnancy.

    They're there for the fun parts but share no part in dealing with the pain.

    Michael Savage has it exactly right: "Liberalism is a mental disorder."
