Monday, September 08, 2008

You Will Visit Paul Zimmerman

Visit, now! Quickly! Do it now! click here!


  1. Hey, thanks!

    Guess I'd better write something now. :)

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    That Kiva thing seems extremely cool. In the near future I will make a few loans and hopefully imbue my debtors with a capitalistic entrepreneurial spirit. Or stoke a hatred for their financial overlord...whichever.

  3. Ryan,

    I like Kiva a lot. Right now lots of other people like it a lot, too - I just checked and at this point in time, every single loan application has been funded.

    The last time this happened was after President Clinton gave Kiva a mention in some publication. The site was flooded with new donors and it took a while before one could find a loan application to fund. With the recent change to the loan redemption process, the same thing is happening now.

    In fact, since I went on my recent lending rampage, I've received several repayments and now I have even more idle funds waiting to go back out. Everyone else is no doubt in the same boat. This could take a while. :)
