Sunday, October 05, 2008

Hope, Change and Brainwashing

The ignorance is more of a sad disgrace than it is scary.

If you listen to what they pledge for, it is admirable.

Aside from the one who pledges to be a lawyer, the rest of these young men pledge to become engineers, architects and firemen. They also pledge to do it on their own.

Sadly for them, they don't realize this is NOT what Obama and to a larger extent, socialism stands for. Such independence can only be described as truly American and capitalist. Something that can only come from themselves and their desire to choose for themselves the path of their life.

Obama has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with these young boys becoming truly independent, upstanding men. Sadly instead of taking the credit where it is deserved (themselves) they give it to Obama.

Though, once they start paying taxes on a chemical engineer's salary, I think they'll all turn republican.


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Though, once they start paying taxes on a chemical engineer's salary, I think they'll all turn republican.

    You might think so, but I've noticed a disturbing trend: the more money you have the more likely it is you're a socialist, even if you earned your money via entrepreneurial endeavor.

  2. "You might think so, but I've noticed a disturbing trend: the more money you have the more likely it is you're a socialist, even if you earned your money via entrepreneurial endeavor."

    Yup, say hello to my friend, Mr. White Guilt. :)

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Well the video went into the proverbial bit bucket at the end of the information superhighway.

    As for the making lots of money and paying taxes turning them into Republicans, I think if they make a decent living they may turn into a Republican, but if they make lots of money, it's 50/50 they'll go socialist as randian has noted.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    You can chalk me up as someone who, after graduating and making a software developer's salary, at least quit voting Democrat.

    When I realized that my rants against "the rich" could, in an age-and-location-adjusted way, be applied to myself (i.e. at 22-24 I was probably in the very top salary category when compared to other 22-24 year olds and adjusted for location cost-of-living), I realized the hypocrisy in me being a liberal.

    I tried that line of thinking out on my quasi-socialist mother; it kind of shut her up for a while.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    The principal donated money to Obama.

    Is anyone surprised?

    BTW, I've seen a real Q-dog stomp and this is like t-ball to the major leagues in comparison. It's not inspirational or creative - it's just stupid.

    I'd love to get the names of all these kids and check on them in 10 years to see how many of them attained the goals to which Obama inspired them.

    My guess is 1 out of the 10 at best will finish college with at least 3 of them in prison.
