Friday, January 23, 2009

Then and Now

Time for another exciting episode of then;

And now!

Don't worry, society's going the right way.


  1. Aw, don't be so hard on modern music just because rap is stupid. Here, listen to some Canadians singing about freedom and personal responsibility in 7/4 time.

  2. Yes - How wonderful - I see your point!

  3. Anonymous3:26 AM

    This is a phenomenon I've been pondering a little while.
    -Where have all the great black american musicians and singers gone?
    As exemplified here, they where master virtuosos on any instrument you care to mention.
    Some of them are still alive, but where's the new generations?
    Rock&Roll? Hendrix, that’s about it, and it’s been a while now.

    Granted, rapping is a talent of some kind, and some are quite good (given example not one of them). But it's not exactly much of a musical talent as such, and they can't play an instrument or carry a tune to save their life.
    I like a lot of modern music, from pop through satanic black metal. Lot's of talented musicians, just a lack of colored ones.

    Given, I don't follow the jazz scene, but these guys (and gals) of legend transcended those genres, everybody had heard of them.

    Apologies if I've broken some unwritten rules here.
    As a foreigner, the american race-obsession is quite a surrealistic spectacle to behold, and not necessarily easy to navigate.

  4. Hi Inge,

    Black musicians still do exist, but it's the art form that is no longer appreciated. I've seen scores of black musicians just flatten a jazz club (Artist's Quarter is one place that the creme rises to) just as good as Count Basie or Louie Armstrong. But jazz is no longer popular, be it among black or white youths.

    In this case the free market is filled with a bunch of morons that can't discern true talent. In the mean time compare MC HAmmer's dancing to these guys (watch the whole thing);

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Yup, they could move..
    Particularly impressed by the jumps from one small desk to the next, as those shoes didn't seem to have much traction.

    I did have suspicion some where hiding in jazz. But how's the recruitment, with popularity dropping?

  6. Suits, ties, and classical refreshing the past can be!

    The "then" guys are certainly still around today. The problem is that they are not popular among the youth.

    In the "olden" days, kids listened to what their parents listened to. I think the musical generation gap began in the early 20th century and progressively got worse each decade thereafter.

    As a teenager, I claimed that I would listen to the music my kids listened to. Now, I think today's music is mostly garbage. Now I understand how my parents' generation must've felt about AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and Ozzy Osbourne.

    Of course, I grew away from Heavy Metal. Today's generation have absorbed rap and hip hop into their "consciousness."

    Researchers found that listening to classical music improves brain function. I think rap and Hip hop destroys brain function as well as inciting irrational violent emotions.

  7. Inge:

    Now that America has its first black president, we are all eagerly awaiting Europe and Canada to do the same.

    When Britain has a Paki PM, Germany a Turkish Chancellor, France a Moroccan President, Italy an Albanian PM, and Canada a Mexican PM, we'll be equal.

    We're way behind them, though, with women in high places.

  8. "Now that America has its first black president, we are all eagerly awaiting Europe and Canada to do the same"...

    Doesn't Europe and Canada have enough problems of their own that they don't need to emulate us and our collective error of letting the Peggy Joseph types decide who should lead the country?

    "When Britain has a Paki PM, Germany a Turkish Chancellor, France a Moroccan President, Italy an Albanian PM, and Canada a Mexican PM, we'll be equal"...

    Hmmm, I guess the lesson of being politically correct and pandering to losers just hasn't quite sunk in yet for everybody in this country...

    "We're way behind them, though, with women in high places"...


    Can you say, "Hildahag"?
