Thursday, February 05, 2009

GDP Per Square Kilometer

Interesting chart. Nothing really insightful. I think the only conclusion I can make is that sand does not lend itself well to making GDP.


  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Cap'n, check out this page's maps which show that the GDP map correlates pretty much perfectly with actual population density.

    I think the only conclusion I can make is that sand does not lend itself well to making GDP.

    Nor does the frozen northern wasteland of my beloved (if ailing) homeland. Though interestingly, Russia's frozen wastes seem to generate marginally more GDP than Canada's.

  2. Anonymous4:41 AM

    ... or frozen tundra for that matter.

  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    This is basically just a population density chart with some randomness added for productivity.

    Sooner or later somebody will look at it and think that Europe is more productive than the United States. Heh.

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM


    I think the only conclusion I can make is that sand does not lend itself well to making GDP.

    Well, don't know about the sand, but it's probably the lack of water that's it. No water, no people... no people, no economic activity...
