Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Dame" is NOT Sexist

Dear feminists who have no skill and make their living by criminalizing normal behavior as since you have no real skill, you are otherwise unemployable and need to shake people down.

The term "dame" is not a derogatory remark. It is used by old fashioned classy men to describe old fashioned classy women.

If you are so foolish as to lecture me or any one else about the "improper" use of this term, then you can enjoy the life you've chosen of shaking people down for made up crimes which is nothing more than a parasitic existence, as long as you know FULL WELL YOU WILL SACRIFICE A REAL LIFE WITH A REAL GUY AND ANY SEMBLANCE OF REAL LOVE OR AT LEAST FRIENDSHIP.

Jesus Freaking A. Christ.

How do you people live life?

Seriously. Do you stay awake at night trying to find reasons to be insulted? What kind of a life is that? Is it you have no social abilities, no qualities or traits that attract members of the opposite sex, or heck, just no qualities and traits that make people want to be your friend that you have to engage in such childish and pathetic behavior?



South Pacific had a song. It was heralding dames.

Humphrey Bogart used the term frequently and in high regard.

Men in WWII just wanted and spilled blood for dames.

And it's every American males God given right to use the term "dame."

And all you schleps can do is bitch and whine about it when a guy says TO SOME OTHER WOMAN WHO ISN"T YOU, "you're a cute dame?"

Go to hell.

Although, something tells me you're so screwed up you're already in your own personal hell.

In the meantime, I officially decree all men shall continue to use the word "dame" if only to compliment the true classy women who are smart enough to appreciate the endearing moniker and to piss off those that are so childish and pathetic that they truly deserve to be pissed off.

I can't believe I have to write about this stuff.


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    "The term "dame" is not a derogatory remark. It is used by old fashioned classy men to describe old fashioned classy women."

    Even older fashioned men used it as the female title equal to "Sir", as in the way you'd address a freaking knight.

  2. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Dame is actually from French and its closest translation is lady. It's used as a sign of respect. As usual, the people complaining about certain words are only highlighting their own ignorance rather than that of those they are trying to censure.

  3. Sigh.

    dame (dām) n.

    1. Used formerly as a courtesy title for a woman in authority or a mistress of a household.
    1. A married woman; a matron.
    2. An elderly woman.
    3. A woman holding a nonhereditary title conferred by a sovereign in recognition of personal merit or service to the country.
    4. The wife or widow of a knight.
    5. Used as the title for such a woman.
    3. Slang A woman.
    4. Chiefly British
    1. A woman holding a nonhereditary title conferred by a sovereign in recognition of personal merit or service to the country.
    2. The wife or widow of a knight.
    3. Used as the title for such a woman.

    Leave it to radical feminists to decide that a title of respect for a woman of class and distinction for hundreds of years is offensive.

  4. Captain-
    You can call me "dame" anytime.
    (of course, I do carry some old fashioned values.)
    I can't tell you how many times I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, "OPEN the door for this dame, PLEASE!" instead of sitting on your ass watching me struggle to get through this heavy door(that is not automatic- oh, how I love automatic doors)with my two little ones(one is a carrying sling and the other in a stroller and me carrying the diaper bag and sometimes an umbrella or other bags or...., "I will appreciate it and give you a gracious Thank-you so very much for your help." I will not berate you for thinking I was not strong or capable enough to do it on my own. You will be one of my personal heroes for the day!
    I can't stand the "feminists" of today! If they can even call themselves that, I personally think they hijacked the name!!! I HATE that I have to suffer for their stupidity! We are not all like that, we are not. So please continue to be men and dish out the complements and chivalry, some of us love and appreciate it. ;o)

  5. LOL

    I can't stand any of this politically correct BS. I know how you feel.

  6. Anonymous8:14 AM

    'The term "dame" is not a derogatory remark.
    . . .
    How do you people live life?

    Seriously. Do you stay awake at night trying to find reasons to be insulted?'

    Dear Captain,

    I agree with you, Dame is not a derogatory or degrading remark. And as far as I can tell there are people out there, most of them women, who intentionally look for things to be offended by. Another reason why many of my friends are guys -- I get in a lot less trouble telling dirty jokes around the guys.

    I've even seen a waitress get huffy and indignant because one of our party called her "ma'am" as we were sitting down at a restaurant -- although none of us could figure out what else we were supposed to call someone of the female persuasion with an unknown name. Or rather, what else we could call her in polite company; some rather impolite alternatives to "ma'am" were suggested and quietly discarded as we still wanted to eat there.

    'I can't believe I have to write about this stuff.'

    Yes, but you do it so eloquently. And with so much less profanity and capital letters and exclamations marks than anything I come up with when I try to write about the same subject.

  7. *laugh* you forgot that it's also an official British title denoting high honor like Sir - but perhaps you have learned your lesson that the problem comes in using the term with women who actually AREN'T "Old fasioned classy women".

  8. It's called "political correctness" and no matter how many time you rail against it, it is here forever. I feel confident in that prediction because I find it unlikely that the human race is going to change, and stop taking offense at everything.

    It is just the way we are.

  9. Anonymous9:10 AM

    You're missing the forest for the trees here. These people don't really care about women's rights. They care only about their radical politics; women are just a tool to advance them.

    These people aren't trying to help women. It's just that their hate has to come out somewhere. Any psychologist can tell you that unhappy people gravitate to radical causes, and it doesn't much matter what the cause is. If you're filled with hate for life, for humanity, you're just as likely to become a feminist as you are a Trotskyite or a Hare Krishna or a spree killer.

  10. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hmmm. Posted at 12:26 AM. Me thinks that Captain tried to chat up the wrong group of debutantes at the ball last night.

    Hang in there man, you'll find a good one yet!

  11. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Don't beat about the bush, tell us how you really feel about this.

  12. MTGirl,

    Heh, no, just an e-mail.


    Sorry, I refuse to open doors for women any more unless they are of the WWII generation or are foreigners. It's not that I wouldn't open doors for a gal like you, but I just refuse to offer a hint of chivalry anymore in the US as kind of a blanket revenge. I know it's not fair, but playing the numbers I figure I deny more women chivalry they don't deserve than women women who do deserve it. Sorry for the cold calculation, but I am after all an economist.

  13. Very strange - someone was actually offended because you used the word dame? Guess it's a good way to weed out potential dates. Call them a dame and see what happens.

  14. Anonymous11:17 AM

    "It's called "political correctness" and no matter how many time you rail against it, it is here forever. I feel confident in that prediction because I find it unlikely that the human race is going to change, and stop taking offense at everything.

    It is just the way we are."

    We weren't like that a hundred years ago.

  15. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Chivalry - I can't believe how far we've fallen. My part time job is at an Advance Auto Parts store. It amazes me to no end to watch couples come into the store, with the man (boy) marching through the door first, allowing the door to nearly smash his "mate" in the face.

    I don't get it...

  16. Anonymous8:43 PM

    It's a sad commentary that you can get in just as much trouble calling a woman a "dame" as you would calling one a "b*tch" or a "ho".

    Oh and Captain, when you start turning gray and start looking old like I am, some "babes" will actually hold the door open for you!

  17. You know what? You've inspired me, good sir. I've never used the term "dame" before, but I think I'll adopt it.

    As a genuine term of affection, of course, but if it ruffles a few uptight feathers along the way...

  18. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "There is nothing like a dame!" - from the musical South Pacific, yeah, baby!

    Real men dig classic show tunes, i.e., real music.

    And after many years of marriage, I still open doors for my wife.

  19. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Well, I like "dame". I think it's cute and flirty. Just remember, women like that are just jealous of the rest of us, who are cuter and more popular than they are!

    Also, I have it on good authority (from wikiality) that Jesus' middle initial is H., not A.

    Just my 2 cents.

    The Big Seester
