Sunday, March 08, 2009

Feeding the Poor So that They Might Be Able to Afford Nicer Cell Phones Than Mine

Again, I have no pity for our "poor."

I pity the poor people in third world countries. But not ours.




  1. What's with that ugly look on her face?

    Well lookie here. In Illinois, you can get BARACK OBAMA license plates:

    The funny thing is that the disabled and the elderly qualify for lower cost plates, but they can pay an extra fee for vanity plates. So they can't afford to pay full price, but they can afford to have a personalized message on their plate?

  2. Here's a cheap shot;

    "What do you mean, what's wrong with her face? It always looks like that"

    Rim shot

  3. That picture, more then anything else I have seen, clearly demonstrates what is wrong with this "stimulus" package.

    People are looking to the Government to pay for their basic needs, so that they can buy the luxuries in life. And, it is not just people, it's Governments as well. How many States/Cities are going to accept stimulus money to pay for necessities, so that they can balance their budgets? I know of one city that is getting millions and they plan on paying the police payroll with it.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Check out what is said about the photo on
    It is just another internet lie.
