Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Entrant #12 - Captain Capitalism's 2009 Annual Chart Contest

From Tom.

Freaking hi-larious!


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Oh yeah, cut the list of presidents short there, why don't you?

    But how does His Obaminable Oneness stack up to Jefferson?

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Obama didn't do any harm that I heard of. Navy seals did. A 10 year old could've made that decision.

    The reason it took so long for him to give the go-ahead for the snipers to fire is that he first had to confirm he wasn't related to any of the pirates.

  3. Anonymous, your attempt at humor failed miserably.

  4. Brandon8:29 AM

    Yeah, I have to say this chart is severely lacking if it doesn't include Jefferson. Obama's got 3 pirates, Jefferson sent the Marines to Tripoli and kicked some serious pirate ass.
