Sunday, April 12, 2009

High School and College Students Don't Know Jack

Little children, who are on their way to becoming nazis to tell you and me what to do.

Here's what I'd like to tell all you little snot nose kids whose parents obviously failed to bring your little egomaniacs up right.

Now get your asses back in school, shut the hell up, try to do some calculus, if you're capable of doing that and when you pay taxes and support yourselves, then we'll give a damn about what you little children have to say.

And shame on the St. Paul City Council for being no more mature.


  1. the man really does have a way with words sometimes...

  2. geoih9:05 AM

    I have to wonder how many self-righteous assholes were a little embarrassed as they laughed, and how many took his words of wisdom to heart (not many, I'll bet).

  3. So, let me get this straight...

    Candy cigarettes can lead a child to smoke later in life.



    Frankly, I do not have any real evidence to suggest otherwise, so I will not even attempt to point out the stupidity of that correlation.

    But, what evidence can they present that candy cigarettes lead to smoking later in life?

    (insert cricket noise here)


    Thought so.

    How about he ban children from hearing the word "masturbate" That should prevent it from happening.

    Or, maybe we should rely on the parents to do something crazy and radical like, Oh, I don't know, be an active part of your child's life? Teach them at an early age that smoking is not a good thing, it introduces bad things into your body, and costs money that you could otherwise be investing, or using to pay your mortgage.

    Just a crazy thought.

  4. Marc L.4:42 PM

    If you think this is worrisome... try this! Grief!
    And I thought I us canucks were the screwballs of this century..
    ht:Mark Shea
